-- Sets the default flavor if an environment variable called Flavor is not set or specified on the command line --><PropertyGroup><FlavorCondition="'$(Flavor)'==''">DEBUG</Flavor></PropertyGroup><!-- Define the DEBUG settings --><PropertyGroupCondition="'$(Flavor)'=='DEBUG'"><Debu...
若要從衍生的工具內取得環境變數的目前值,請使用屬性函式System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable。 然而,一般慣用的方法是使用工作參數EnvironmentVariables。 這個字串陣列中設定的環境屬性可以傳遞至繁衍的工具,而不會影響系統環境變數。 提示 並非所有環境變數都會在讀取後變成初始屬性。 會忽略任何未採用有效 MSBuild...
System.Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable System.Environment::GetEnvironmentVariables System.Environment::GetFolderPath System.Environment::GetLogicalDrives System.Environment::Is64BitOperatingSystem System.Environment::Is64BitProcess System.Environment::MachineName ...
You can use a Condition attribute to provide a default value for a property if the environment variable was not set.To provide a default value for a propertyUse a Condition attribute on a property to set the value only if the property has no value. For example, the following code sets th...
<variable name="test.path" value="${CCNetWorkingDirectory}"/> 34 </environment>--> 35 </exec> 36 <merge> 37 <files> 38 <file>E:\code\TESTccnet\workSpase\source\TestResults\mstest-results.xml</file> 39 </files> 40 </merge> ...
To use a configuration file other than _msbuild.py, specify the --config (-c) argument or the PYMSBUILD_CONFIG environment variable. python -m pymsbuild --config build-spec.py sdist python -m pymsbuild --config build-spec.py wheel # Alternatively $env:PYMSBUILD_CONFIG = "build-spec...
<variable name="test.path" value="${CCNetWorkingDirectory}"/> 34 </environment>--> 35 </exec> 36 <merge> 37 <files> 38 <file>E:\code\TESTccnet\workSpase\source\TestResults\mstest-results.xml</file> 39 </files> 40 </merge> ...
Configurations are represented in MSBuild projects by properties grouped in aPropertyGroupelement that contains aConditionattribute. Visual Studio looks at these conditions in order to create a list of project configurations and platforms to display. To successfully extract this list, the conditions must...
Configurations are represented in MSBuild projects by properties grouped in aPropertyGroupelement that contains aConditionattribute. Visual Studio looks at these conditions in order to create a list of project configurations and platforms to display. To successfully extract this list, the conditions must...
So for this example (assuming the environment variable is set)$([Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::CurrentDirectory)it will look for Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.dll, then Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll (which it will find and load from the GAC) and you will get the value of the current...