Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)'=='net45' And $(Configuration)=='Debug'" 两个条件的或判断使用关键字 Or 连接 代码语言:javascript 复制 Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)'=='net45' or $(Configuration)=='Debug'" 判断宏 代码语言:javascript 复制 Condition="$(DefineConstants.Contains(NET30))" 更多...
A condition that contains an expression such as $(SomeProperty) is evaluated and converted to the property value. If the condition is outside of a target, the expression is evaluated during the evaluation of the project file. The value of the property is dependent on the position in the ...
<Target Name="HelloWorld"> <Message Text="Compile item type contains @(Compile)" /> </Target> 儲存專案檔。 從[命令視窗],輸入並執行這一行: Windows 命令提示字元 複製 msbuild buildapp.csproj -t:HelloWorld 檢查輸出。 您應該會看到下列這一長串的內容: 輸出 複製 Compile item type contains...
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration> これは、"Configuration プロパティが定義されていない場合に、それを定義して値を 'Debug' に設定する" という意味になります。Condition 属性は MSBuild のほぼすべての要素に設定できます。 Condition 属性の使用の詳細に...
许多属性(例如 Configuration)都是有条件地定义的,也就是说,属性元素中会出现 Condition 特性。 只有当条件的计算结果为“true”时,才会定义或重新定义条件属性。 请注意,将为未定义的属性指定默认值,即空字符串。 例如,复制 <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration> 意...
Condition="!Exists('$(builtdir)')" Single quotes are not required for simple alphanumeric strings or boolean values. However, single quotes are required for empty values. HasTrailingSlash('stringA')Evaluates totrueif the specified string contains either a trailing backward slash (\) or forward...
Condition="!Exists('$(builtdir)')" Single quotes are not required for simple alphanumeric strings or boolean values. However, single quotes are required for empty values. HasTrailingSlash('stringA') Evaluates to true if the specified string contains either a trailing backward slash (\) or for...
我在C#项目中有定义为"ABC;XYZ“的常规编译符号,我可以在项目XML文件中使用以下内容,以便在MSBuild期间对项目代码文件进行条件包含:<Compile Include="SomeFile.cs" Condition="$(DefineConstants)'=='ABC'"/> 是 浏览4提问于2016-11-12得票数 3 回答已采纳 ...
if the pattern contains no wildcards, the default name is preserved each segment from the first one containing a wildcard will be joined to the parent of the default name if the pattern filename contains no wildcards, it is preserved in the final name. Otherwise, it is replaced by matched...
MSBuild.Sdk.Extras Summary This package contains a few extra extensions to the SDK-style projects that are currently not available inMicrosoft.NET.SdkSDK. This feature is tracked indotnet/sdk#491and many of the scenarios are on the roadmap for .NET 6. ...