A multi-scale UAV aerial image object detection model MS-YOLOv7 based on YOLOv7 was proposed to address the issues of a large number of objects and a high proportion of small objects that commonly exist in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aerial image. The new network is developed with ...
A multi-scale UAV aerial image object detection model MS-YOLOv7 based on YOLOv7 was proposed to address the issues of a large number of objects and a high proportion of small objects that commonly exist in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aerial image. The new network is developed with ...
yolov7/dino/网络在910环境pynative模式训练,找不到op_api/lib/libcust_opapi.so这个文件,RuntimeError: 0 not in /lib64/libopapi.so, please check 模型仓地址:https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindyolo Environment / 环境信息 (Mandatory / 必填) Hardware Environment(Ascend/GPU/CPU) / 硬件环境: ...
rk3588多路解码、识别、拼接 rk3588s 多线程推拉流 并行推理支持rknn多线程推理 rga、硬件编解码、gstreamer优化 yolov5s 20ms以内推理 4路fps均在30以上 16路1080p视频带算法识别大概在7- - biu~biu~biu~于20241222发布在抖音,已经收获了73个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生