第一步:导入SEAttention库 📚 首先,打开common.py文件,在代码的初始部分导入SEAttention机制的第三方库。然后在卷积层中加入self.att = SEAttention(c2)。记得修改倒数第一和第三行的代码哦。 第二步:修改yolo.py 🖥️ 在yolo.py文件中,最后一栏模块项加入Conv_SE即可。这样就能在YOLOV7中添加SE注意力机制...
摘要: 在本研究中,我们首先重新审视了SE块,然后基于全局上下文和注意力分布之间的关系进行了详细的实证研究,基于此提出了一个简单而有效的模块,称为线性上下文变换(LCT)块。我们将所有通道分成不同的组,并在每个通道组内对全局聚合的上下文特征进行归一化,减少了来自无关通道的干扰。通过对归一化的上下文特征进行线性...
为了更加精准地学习这种相关性,LCT使用一个逐通道地变换来替代SE中的两个全连接层。然而,实验表明,LCT学得的这种负相关质量并不是很高,下图中右侧可以看出,LCT的注意力激活值波动是很大的。 在本文中,我们假设这种关系是预先确定的。基于这个假设,我们提出了一个简单但极其有效的通道注意力块,称为高斯上下文...
In YOLOv7, SE can be added to either the backbone or the head section. The specific location is the place where the output of the feature layer is added. First, we introduce the way of adding SE attention. After many heat comparison experiments, we find that adding SE module directly ...
Hence, this paper introduces a real-time aircraft target detection algorithm for remote sensing imaging using an improved lightweight attention mechanism that relies on the You Only Look Once version 7 (YOLOv7) framework (SE-CBAM-YOLOv7). The proposed algorithm replaces the standard convolution ...
To address this challenge, this paper proposes a lightweight YOLOv7 method based on PConv, Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) attention mechanism and Wise-IoU (WIoU), which we refer to as YOLOv7-PSW. PConv can effectively reduce the number of parameters and computational complexity. The SE can ...
Firstly, a lightweight DSC-SE module is designed using a DSC(Depthwise Separable Convolution) fused SE channel attention mechanism to substitute the SC(Standard Convolution) of the YOLOv7 backbone extraction network to decrease the number of parameters in the network a...
SRM首先通过“style pooling”从特征图的每个通道中提取风格信息,然后通过与通道无关的风格集成来估计每个通道的重新校准权重。通过将单个风格的相对重要性纳入特征图,SRM有效地增强了CNN的表示能力。 2.SRM引入到yolov5 2.1 加入common.py中: 代码语言:javascript ...
2.Triplet加入Yolov5 2.1Triple加入common.py 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ### TripletAttention ### start byAI&CV###classBasicConv(nn.Module):#https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.03045.pdf def__init__(self,in_planes,out_planes,kernel_size,stride=1,padding=0...