Talking Time with Ms Rachel Speech Delay Learning Video是【英文字幕】YouTube16个视频5.6亿播放 美国最受欢迎的幼师外教幼儿少儿英语节目 英语启蒙零基础学英语的第14集视频,该合集共计16集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
宝贝中文 Baobei Chinese Sing and Learn Mandarin is gently paced like Ms. Rachel’s YouTube channel. What’s better is that each video is shorter (10 to 30 minutes), and her voice is more mellow. Closed-captioning is available in English, but most videos lack subtitles in Chinese.Watch 宝... Ms Rachel本身是一名幼教老师,在Youtube上有700多万订阅者,通过风趣幽默简单的语言搭配搞怪的动作,轻松开启宝宝们的英语启蒙,还可以通过让家长模仿,陪孩子互动增加亲子关系。生活 亲子 英语 少儿英语 早教 启蒙 英语口语 英语学习 英语启蒙 英语早教 亲子英语...
"Rachel Accurso, or Ms. Rachel, is a beloved and passionate educator whose videos for her phenomenally popular YouTube channel inspire 'littles' and their families to learn and bond together," the announcement read. "Incorporating singing, dancing, and play, Ms. Rachel's videos help ch...
"SURPRISE! I had the pleasure of singing 'L-O-V-E' with Ms. Rachel whose work has meant so much to my own children and millions of families around the world. Watch the full video on YouTube now!" Legend captioned on Instagram.The...
Returning Ted back to Robin reeked of Ross & Rachel. But there’s a series that handled its finale with integrity and consistency. It worked for Friends because (a) they had a kid together, and (b) he was her lobster. Duh. Forget for a second that I’m 100% in Tracy McConnell’s...
Rachel0921_ 24-03-1 17:13 发布于 澳大利亚 来自 iPhone 13 Pro 珍惜一些最后可以不翻墙看ins和YouTube的机会 û收藏 转发 2 ñ12 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 及时行乐 失无所失|🍀|(Taylor‘s Version) 更多a ...
The preschool sensation is taking her knack for teaching littles and tackling the play space. From a Ms. Rachel doll to learning blocks, parents can expect a treasure trove of toys.
"When you speak to a child naturally, actually, everywhere around the world, you do slow down. Your voice goes up. You don't see a baby and say, 'Hi. How are you?' You go, 'Hi,'" she said. Parents and caregivers can now find Ms. Rachel's new books, "100...
Ms. Rachel co-created, wrote, and executive produced the series with her husband and collaborator, Aron Accurso. The show will likely feature a format similar to the YouTube videos that earned Ms. Rachel a whopping 13.1 billion subscribers on YouTube and an additional 5.6 million on TikTok....