Talking Time with Ms Rachel Speech Delay Learning Video是【英文字幕】YouTube16个视频5.6亿播放 美国最受欢迎的幼师外教幼儿少儿英语节目 英语启蒙零基础学英语的第14集视频,该合集共计16集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
More from CafeMom:Ms. Rachel Reveals Her Son Is Her ‘Rainbow Baby’ After Experiencing a Miscarriage Here is a breakdown of the first batch of 'Ms. Rachel' episodes that are set to hit Netflix later this month: Learn to Talk –“What’s in the Box?” Speech and Toddler Learning Baby...
Michele Antunes of Fall River was in for a surprise when her Halloween costume of beloved children’s entertainer Ms. Rachel received a heartfelt response from the YouTube star herself. Baby Learning With Ms Rachel - First Words, Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Toddler Videos Subscribe t...
Ms. Rachel co-created, wrote, and executive produced the series with her husband and collaborator, Aron Accurso. The show will likely feature a format similar to the YouTube videos that earned Ms. Rachel a whopping 13.1 billion subscribers on YouTube and an additional 5.6 million on TikTok....
Rachel Accurso, better known as Ms. Rachel, has become a beloved figure in the world of children's education through her YouTube videos, earning billions of views.
The preschool sensation is taking her knack for teaching littles and tackling the play space. From a Ms. Rachel doll to learning blocks, parents can expect a treasure trove of toys.
MS. RACHEL:STREAM IT OR SKIP IT? Opening Shot:A woman in overalls holds an animated box. “Wow! It’s a surprise box! Let’s see what’s inside!” she says. The Gist:If you want a primer on Accurso and her YouTube show,Songs For Littles,thisParentsarticleis a good place to sta...
Ms. Rachel's "Songs for Littles" YouTube channel has more than 6.2 million subscribers and over 3 billion views. The channel's description explains that parents can expect "toddler learning videos and baby learning videos that help children learn to talk, learn letters, numbers, colors, animal...
If you’re raising bilingual children, the best Chinese YouTube shows canhelp kids have fun learning Mandarin! The good news is that YouTube haslive-action showsand channels withreal peoplein Chinese, similar to Ms Rachel and Bliippi. These include Mandarin songs, storytelling, STEM, cooking,...
Ms. Rachel delivers emotional commencement speech at NYU's Steinhardt School Accurso's YouTube music channel, which she produces with the help of her husband, encourages language development in children with speech delays and was inspired by her own child. The channel has skyrocketed in po...