如何使用 MS Graph API 以编程方式配置云同步 基本设置 启用租户标志 创建服务主体 创建同步作业 更新目标域 启用配置边栏选项卡上的同步密码哈希 Exchange 混合写回 意外删除 启用并设置阈值 允许删除 启动同步作业 查看状态 后续步骤请使用这些 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 命令来为生产租户启用同步,这是能够为...
In our Azure environment, we've access packages being provisioned via auto-assignment policies. (Ex: Department="Sales") I was looking for a way to retrieve each access package auto-assignment policy criteria using Powershell MS Graph API SDK.
View and edit PowerShell script. microsoft documentation powershell powershell-script wpf-ui intune msal ms-graph ms-graph-api endpoint-manager graph-apis Updated Jan 26, 2023 PowerShell Azure-Samples / ms-identity-javascript-react-spa Star 86 Code Issues Pull requests A React single-...
将Microsoft Entra ID 配置为接受对本地联合服务器的 MFA 请求。 使用 Graph PowerShell 将federatedIdpMfaBehavior设置为enforceMfaByFederatedIdp,如以下示例所示。 请求 HTTP PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/domains/contoso.com/federationConfiguration/6601d14b-d113-8f64-fda2-9b5ddda18ecc Co...
是指在使用微软的MS Graph API进行应用程序开发时,出现了令牌(Token)被拒绝的情况。 令牌在使用OAuth 2.0进行身份验证和授权时发挥着重要作用。当开发者使用MS Graph API时,需要先获取一个有效的令牌,然后将其包含在每个API请求中,以便服务器可以验证并执行相应的操作。 如果MS Graph API拒绝了令牌,可能有以下几个...
Hello Everyone, Just started learning MS Graph API any possibility to export details to csv by using MS graph. Can someone guide me how to export mailbox last login and never logged mailboxes from last 90 days to csv as I am not expert in scripting or...
The following table lists the messages for the Power BI Configuration (msdyn_analytics) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.展開資料表 Name Is Event?Web API OperationSDK for .NET AssignEvent: True PATCH /msdyn_analyticses(m...
[MS-PSRP]: PowerShell Remoting Protocol [MS-PTPT]: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Profile [MS-QDP]: Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWave): Wireless Diagnostics Protocol [MS-QLPB]: Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWave): Layer 3 Probing Protocol [MS-RA]: Remote...
[MS-PSRP]: PowerShell Remoting Protocol [MS-PTPT]: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Profile [MS-QDP]: Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWave): Wireless Diagnostics Protocol [MS-QLPB]: Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWave): Layer 3 Probing Protocol [MS-RA]: Remote...