To install the v1 module of the SDK in PowerShell Core or Windows PowerShell, run the following command.PowerShell 复制 Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force Optionally, you can change the scope of the installation using the -Scope parameter. This ...
Find instructions for installing the Microsoft Graph SDKs for .NET, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, PowerShell, and Python.
PowerShell Python HTTP POST{managedEBookId}/deviceStates Content-type: application/jsonContent-length: 374{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceInstallState", "deviceName": "DeviceNamevalue", "deviceId": "DeviceIdvalue", "la...
You can also run the Az modules for Azure Stack Hub in a Docker container. For instructions, seeUse Docker to run PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub. You can useAPI profilesto specify the compatible endpoints for the Azure Stack Hub resource providers. ...
If you need to shortcut that time and you have administrative permissions in your tenant, you can add that URL to the Application mentioned in the error ('00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000') using Microsoft Graph Powershell. For example: let's assume you get the "AADSTS50011 The ...
shell: powershell run: | npm prefix -g | % {npm config set dev_dir "c:\temp\.gyp2"} npm prefix -g | % {npm config set node_gyp "$_\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js"} Contributor lalit774 commented Jul 7, 2023 Hi all, I am getting this error on red hat linu...
Hi,I am trying to install the graph beta module but it is aborting on the Identity.Governance package due to "not enough disk space" which is not true as I...
Repeat the preceding steps for all the nine API/Permissions that were added. Configure access policy by using PowerShell scripts To configure the application access policy for Microsoft Teams connector by running PowerShell scripts, follow the procedure described in thisdocument. ...
Deployment scripts: Upload and then run the installer using Linux or Unix shell scripts or Microsoft PowerShell. For instructions, see Use deployment scripts to add and protect computers.Ansible: For Ansible recipes, see the Deep Security Ansible playbook on GitHub....
1. OpenCommand Prompt or PowerShellas an Administrator. 2. Enter the following command to install theAzul Zulu OpenJDK 21(Java Development Kit) andPython3.9: winget install --id Azul.Zulu.21.JDK -e --source winget && winget install --id Python.Python.3.9 -e --source wingetCopy ...