2023-02-25 It has been well known bug since a time of injection of weather in MSFS. The weather stops updated in simulator after about 1 hour of flight or something like that. Annoying. Then I install Rex Weather that I bought a long time ago and not used. It is superb! Much more...
2023-12-07 Naja,immerhin lässt sich damit fliegen. Da sind aber sogar die Captain Sim Produkte noch besser.Eigentlich sollte sowas unausgereiftes noch gar nicht zum kaufen angeboten werden.Nicht mal zu dem preis. Randy 2023-12-03
After months of hard work and a very stringent development and testing, NextGen Simulations is thrilled to bring you everyone, theEMB-110 Bandeirante for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the most sophisticated and high-quality rendition ever made of the EMB-110 for this magnificent platform. ...
After months of hard work and a very stringent development and testing, NextGen Simulations is thrilled to bring you everyone, theEMB-110 Bandeirante for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the most sophisticated and high-quality rendition ever made of the EMB-110 for this magnificent platform. ...
2023-02-25 It has been well known bug since a time of injection of weather in MSFS. The weather stops updated in simulator after about 1 hour of flight or something like that. Annoying. Then I install Rex Weather that I bought a long time ago and not used. It is superb! Much more...