iniBuilds 分享了之前发布的适用于 Microsoft Flight Simulator 的 A300-600 的最新消息的重大更新,从而拉开了 FlightSimExpo 2023 体验的序幕。 该团队在过去的几个月里完全重新创建了飞机的外部模型,并在整个过程中实施了 8K 和 4K PBR 纹理。该团队致力于打造一架充满细节的飞机,与现实世界中的飞机相似。 外部并...
MSFS 动物世界将于 2023 年 9 月 26 日发布 早在2023 年 6 月,SoFly 就宣布并推出了一款新的全球产品,该产品将为Microsoft Flight Simulator的世界添加许多新的动物和动物群。今天,我们很高兴地宣布《Animals for MSFS》将于 2023 年 9 月 26 日发布。 由于Microsoft Flight Simulator 中新放置了世界各地 5...
How to Merge Your Account Dear members, To improve account security and align with the official Microsoft Flight Simulator forums, the DevSupport forums are transitioning to use Xbox Live accounts moving forward. Follo… 1 2605 November 2, 2023 Welcome to DevSupport Site Feedback 0 1861 Apr...
2023-12-05 Essential, very good result ! Beautiful at fall season Keith 2023-10-27 A must have, easy to install and setup and looks great on sim 顾客评价 5 out of 5 5 customer ratings 5 星星 5 4 星星 0 3 星星 0 2 星星
截至2023年11月,除涡轮螺旋桨飞机外,所有其他定期客运航班都已转移到克尔塔贾提国际机场。 功能列表: 机场周围的定制地面多边形,带有定制的逼真标记 机场、陆侧、周围区域、进场物体和主要万隆地标的自定义3D模型。 全真PBR 4K和2K互补纹理 新航站楼的3D内部细节,旧航站楼的部分内部 ...
On 10/21/2023 at 9:00 PM,Ishrak98said: Also for the previous changes you mentioned in the beginning, do they still apply when using the "Modern" flight model? Because according to the SDK Documentation here
streamdeckmsfs2020microsoft-flight-simulatormsfs UpdatedJan 1, 2025 C# Mobile Companion App for MSFS 2020 companion-appsimconnectmsfs2020 UpdatedAug 29, 2023 HTML lmk02/B787-XE Star328 Code Issues Pull requests A modification of the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 787-10 ...
Perform Grouping-Analysis on Flights by 'Flight Attributes' Backup and Restore Microsoft's Flight Simulator Logbook Edit Flight Simulator's Logbook to Permanently Remove Unwanted Flights Posted Nov 16, 2023 14:09 by Fabiano Chamone More images MSFS2020 FBW Ural Airlines Airbus A320neo Textures...
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geloxoAugust 27, 2023, 2:17pm9 Main performance hit is TLOD without any doubts. Above TLOD 150 it starts to kill permormance indeed, even on a high-end system. I have seen the same result over the years (first with 9900ks + 3080Ti and now with 12900ks + 4090). If you are fl...