This issue has been migrated a new MRTK repository, and the status of this issue will now be tracked at the following location: MixedRealityToolkit/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity#190 Hello, I downloaded the MRTK3 sample project scenario to bu...
Download the Project How to Use the Tutorials The MRTK3 Aquarium sample provides a Unity in-editor tutorial that explores various MRTK3 features. Set in an underwater scene, you'll be introduced to the creatures of the aquarium and the objects that make up their habitat. Using MRTK3 featur...
The MRTK3 Aquarium project provides a Unity in-editor tutorial that explores various MRTK3 features. Set in an underwater scene, you'll be introduced to the creatures of the aquarium and the objects that make up their habitat. Using MRTK3 features, you'll add interactivity to the aquar...
Speech input in MRTK is achieved by an implementation of KeywordRecognitionSubsystem. By default, MRTK ships WindowsKeywordRecognitionSubsystem, which utilizes Unity's KeywordRecognizer. As in MRTK v2, this default implementation is only supported on Windows Editor, Standalone Windows, and UWP....
If your project requires more than two ProximityLights to influence a material, the sample code below demonstrates how to achieve this on the Graphics Tools/Standard or Graphics Tools/Standard Canvas shaders.Note Having many ProximityLights illuminate a material will increase pixel shader instructions ...
Virtual and Augmented Reality together are now referred to as XR or “Extended-Reality”. You’re in the right place at the right time to build something amazing in XR! XR applications can be created in Unity for many devices, our focus will be on Micros
Download the Project How to Use the Tutorials The MRTK3 Aquarium sample provides a Unity in-editor tutorial that explores various MRTK3 features. Set in an underwater scene, you'll be introduced to the creatures of the aquarium and the objects that make up their habitat. Using MRTK3 feat...
As a result, we no longer ship our sample scenes inside the MRTK library/package itself. Instead, we maintain the UnityProjects folder at the top level of the Git repository, which contains any Unity projects we want to ship. Currently, this folder includes the MRTKDev...
Unity 2020.3 LTS or later TextMeshPro 2.1.4 or later Sample Scenes For a first step, take a close look at the various data binding example scenes in the MRTK Examples package and look at how the various data source MonoBehaviours are configured. In general, data binding scripts only need ...
AR Foundation enables you to create multi-platform augmented reality (AR) apps with Unity. In an AR Foundation project, you choose which AR features to enable by adding the corresponding manager components to your scene. When you build and run your app on an AR device, AR Foundation enables...