In SD the Item Category for the material in the sales order can be derived based on the MRP type defined in the material. If planning startegy is not maintained the requirement type would also be derived based on the MRP type and Itemcategory stuff. Similarily for the sales availabillity ch...
1、采购类型procurement type (20)2、特殊采购类special procurement type (21)3、⽣产仓储地点receiving storage location (22)4、配额安排quota arrangement (23)5、反冲backflush (24)6、JIT交货计划jit delivery plan (25)7、散装物料bulk materials (26)8、⾃制⽣产in-house production time (27)9、...
ERP SAP Modules ==> PP In SAP The Concept Of MRP in SAP MRP in brief : MRP is the planning tool in SAP which will look at all aspects of a material and is highly based upon the master data of the material. MRP looks at current inventory, current requirements, open purchase req/...
R:in the configuration of material type , you can configure a material type managed on a quantity basis. 12.OMWB 配置自动过帐.spro/物料管理/评估和科目设置/科目确定/无向导的科目确定/配置自动过帐 13.维护类别类别: spro/sap netweaver/base/应用程序链接启动(ALE)/定模和实施业务处理/主数据分配/...
SAP的中⽂翻译有两种,⼀个是“部门”,另⼀个是“产品组”(本⼿册使⽤)。 1.2字段作⽤ ?确定物料、产品或服务的销售范围和业务范围; ?通常与SD模块的销售组织、分销渠道配合,对销售形式进⾏精确分类;?限制分析的范围,提供筛选分析的可能。
SAP的中文翻译有两种,一个是部门,另一个是产品组。确定物料、产品或服务的销售范围和业务范围通常与SD模块的销售组织、分销渠道配合,对销售形式进行精确分类限制分析的范围只.5 关联参数无 1.6 维护周期每月 1.7 责任岗位 2、物料组material group 2.1 字段说明一组物料或服务相同属性限制分析的范围.5 关联参数无 ...
We can determine the reorder point manually (“VB-Manual reorder point planning” MRP Type in standard SAP R/3) or, it can also be calculated automatically using the material forecast (“VM-Automatic reorder point planning” MRP Type in standard SAP R/3). The reorder point should cover the...
第 2 页共 51 页一、基础数据.4 1、产品组 division.4 2、物料组 material group .5 3、产品层次 production hierarchy.6 4、跨工厂物料状态 cross- plant material status .7 二、MRP1.8 1、MRP 组 mrp group.8 2、采购组 purchasing group.9 3、ABC 标识 abc indicator.10 4、MRP 类型 mrp type....
SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) MAN Production Planning (PP) Software Product Function SAP ERP SAP ERP View products (2) hi please descbibe in detail about the mrp element in md04 t-code.what is the difference between mrp elements planned order and customer order. regards sanjay...