SAP MRP, uses the following factors in its planing run: a) planning strategies - made to order or made to stock or its variations b) planning types - type of the MRP run, i.e., consumption based planning methods or demand based planning methods and net requirement planing or gross requir...
后两个问题safety stock和leadtime应该是在物料主数据档中设置的。存储在在MARA表中。楼主用sq01进入view里面看看有没有相关的view可用。查看原帖>>
1、采购类型procurement type (20)2、特殊采购类special procurement type (21)3、⽣产仓储地点receiving storage location (22)4、配额安排quota arrangement (23)5、反冲backflush (24)6、JIT交货计划jit delivery plan (25)7、散装物料bulk materials (26)8、⾃制⽣产in-house production time (27)9、...
requirementsfor the MRP type in reorder pointplanning to determine whether external requirements (sales orders andmanual reservations) are considered.> 如图: 而物料需求计划(MRP)与基于消耗的计划则相反…… 1、要使物料参与MRP流程处理,首先要在物料主数据中建立相关MRP参数,同时由于MRP计划物料众多,其中有...
一、SAP 重订货点概念 重订货点法(Reorder Point,简称Rop)是物料需求计算的一种重要方式,属于基于消耗计算物料供给的方法。其基本的指导思想是补货元素的生成与物料需求不直接相关,而是以当前库存作为最重要的参照指标。通过周期性的库存检查,每当库存水平低于预设的采购触发线(即重订货点)之后,系统就会自动生成对应的...
SAP物料主数据MRP视图参数手册 物料主数据MRP视图参数手册 一、基础数据 4 1、产品组division 4 2、物料组material group 5 3、产品层次production hierarchy 6 4、跨工厂物料状态cross-plant material status 7 二、MRP1 8 1、MRP组mrp group 8 2、采购组purchasing group 9 3、ABC标识abc indicator 10 4、...
SAP MM MRP Type PD + Lot Size HB組合無效? D專案上線初期業務發現,MRP執行後,備品備件沒能RUN出PR單據。 當時備品備件物料號的MRP引數設定如下: 物料號5013300081 MRP檢視資料,MRP type PD, Reorder Point 0, Lot Size HB, Maximum Stock Level 1, ...
R:in the configuration of material type , you can configure a material type managed on a quantity basis. 12.OMWB 配置自动过帐.spro/物料管理/评估和科目设置/科目确定/无向导的科目确定/配置自动过帐 13.维护类别类别: spro/sap netweaver/base/应用程序链接启动(ALE)/定模和实施业务处理/主数据分配/...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi All, I have basic question...What is the effect of other MRP fields in MRP 1, 2, 3, 4 if maintained, when MRP type is maintained as ND in MRP 1? What I want to know is, How system behaves if Strategy group, Availab...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Could you pls guide me for the configuration of RP(Requirement Planning - MRP ) in SAP IS-Retail for RP(MRP) type "RP"(REPLENISHMNET) planning?Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification...