原文链接:mRNA Extraction from Gill Tissue for RNA-sequencing 鳃组织mRNA 提取用于RNA测序 来自芬兰赫尔辛基大学和德国马普所的研究人员描述了用鱼鳃中提取用于RNA测序的mRNA的方法。这篇文章中描述的方法最早以Predominance of cis-regulatory changes in parallel expression divergence of sticklebacks为题发表在2019年的...
Plasma samples from colon cancer patients and cell culture media were subjected to various antibody incubations, ultracentrifugation, and RNA extraction protocols for ... More Relationships and differentially expressed genes among pancreatic cancers examined by large-scale serial analysis of gene expression...
speed, and scalability of magnetic beads. The protocol typically takes only 45 minutes, and the kit performs from 8 large enrichment reactions (up to 1 mg total RNA input) to 80 small enrichment reactions (as little as 30
CONCLUSIONS: This new protocol is a reliable method for extracting non-viral mRNA from the plasma of patients with cancer after longterm storage for three years. Extractions using Trizol and RNeasy kits independently could not isolate mRNA with sufficient quantity and quality for detection. 展开 ...
ExtractionKit,topurifythesampleandelutein30µLofelutionbuffer.Here,samplescanbestoredat–15°to– 25°oronicebeforemovingontoperformingendrepairprotocol. EnrichmentofpurifiedcDNAtemplates:ThisprocedureusesPCRtoselectivelyenrichthoseDNAfragmentsthat haveadaptermoleculesonbothends,andtoamplifytheamountofDNAinthelibrary...
Trouble Shooting of Ezol Total RNA Extraction Reagent 问题 可能原因 解决方法 抽提的RNA有降解 动植物体组织取下后未立即进行抽提或冰冻保存 采用新鲜组织,在研磨过程中不断加入液氮保持组织的生物活性 溶液、试管等用具有RNase 污染 所有与RNA 抽取相关的器具均须做RNase 去除处理 抽提过程中没有戴...
(Invitrogen) for 18 PCR cycles using a common primer and a primer containing a 6-nucleotide barcoding index. The libraries were gel-purified on a 2.5% Low-Range Ultra Agarose (BioRad) 1X TBE gel and eluted using a QIAquick Gel Extraction kit (Qiagen). Library sizes were assessed by ...
Total RNA was extracted from salivary supernatant with the use of two modified extraction techniques: Qiagen RNAprotect® Saliva Mini Kit (method 1) and the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (method 2). Quantitative RT-PCR amplification for GAPDH was performed on extracted salivary samples. Statistical...
Top layer lysate was taken as cytoplasmic fraction, and used for RNA extraction with Zymo QuickRNA isolation kit with in-column DNase treatment per the manufacturer’s protocol. The nuclear fraction (pellet) was washed in Nuclei Wash buffer (1× PBS, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA...
BD Biosciences Clontech .bdbiosciences Protocol No. PT3751-1 6 Version No. PR37036 BD SMART™ mRNA Amplification Kit User Manual II. List of Components continued Box 3: • NucleoSpin® RNA II Purification Kit Box 4: • BD Atlas™ NucleoSpin® Extraction Kit III. Additional Materials...