/lv*Silent InstallationWill write a logfile to the specified location. (For paths that contain spaces, enclose the path in double quotes) INSTALLDIRfolder pathAllows you to set the installation directory from the command line. (For paths that contain spaces, enclose the path in double quotes) ...
Fixed bug 42 - Maximized location not remembered with multiple monitors. Improved loading and saving of window location. Removed flickering on start up. Improved Reset Layout function. Fixed tab order of controls in Options dialog. Fixed bug 45 - Changing some settings in the config file may not...
config.example.py main.py requirements.txt README LibreNMS 2 MRemoteNG This scripts grabs a list of all locations in LibreNMS and creates a MRemoteNG Connection File. You can then import this file into MRemoteNG. Creates a folder for each location in LibreNMS ...
Toggle showing Connections and Config screens (in the View menu). Reset the layout and verify that Connections and Config windows are both shown. Verify that the correct menu items show as toggled ON in the View menu. Reset the layout without changing anything (reset the layout twice). Layout...
mRemoteNG.lutconfig Create mRemoteNG.lutconfig Mar 24, 2023 mRemoteNG.sln lib updates Oct 15, 2024 View all files README GPL-2.0 license NOTICE: This project currently transited to a new maintainer. Development help would be greatly appreciated. ...
/lv* Silent Installation Will write a logfile to the specified location. (For paths that contain spaces, enclose the path in double quotes) INSTALLDIR folder path Allows you to set the installation directory from the command line. (For paths that contain spaces, enclose the path in double quot...
Create mRemoteNG.lutconfig Mar 24, 2023 mRemoteNG.sln modify build scripts for appveyor Mar 31, 2023 README License NOTICE: This project currently transited to a new maintainer. Development help would be greatly appreciated. An open source, multi-protocol, tabbed remote connections manager allowing...
mRemoteNG.lutconfig mRemoteNG.sln Repository files navigation README License NOTICE: This project currently transited to a new maintainer. Development help would be greatly appreciated. An open source, multi-protocol, tabbed remote connections manager allowing you to view all of your connections in a...
mRemoteNG.lutconfig mRemoteNG.sln README GPL-2.0 license NOTICE: This project currently transited to a new maintainer. Development help would be greatly appreciated. An open source, multi-protocol, tabbed remote connections manager allowing you to view all of your connections in a simple yet powerf...