Added single instance mode (look in Options - Startup/Exit) - No cmd arguments supported yet! Added possibilty to start a Ext. App before connecting and on disconnect (e.g. for VPN/RAS) Added option to the Ext. Apps to tell mRemote to wait for the exit of the Ext. App Added encry...
libvte-basedTilix- written in D. Similar user interface as for Terminator. libvte-basedLilyterm- since commit72536e7ba448ad9ef1126ce45fbde3a3407a271b libvte-basedROXTerm libvte-basedevilvte- no release yet, version from git libvte-basedTermit libvte-basedTermite ...
Application: Shutdown GUiPermalink Filename:shutdown Arguments:/i /m %hostname% ExtApp.xmlPermalink As requested in comment, here is the ExtApp.xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Apps><AppDisplayName="[HTTP] Dell OpenManage [1311]"FileName="iexplore"Arguments="http://%...