The MPSC Rajyaseva selection process consists of three steps. Those who pass the first round move on to the second, and so forth. To be considered for a position in any department in Maharashtra, candidates must successfully navigate each stage of the exams. With this guide, you can properly...
In MPSC Mains, there is negative marking in the objective question papers. The following table gives the MPSC exam pattern of the State Service Exam Mains: PaperSubjectTotal MarksStandardMediumDurationNature of Questions Paper 1Marathi & English (Essay/Translation/Precis)100XII Std.Marathi & English...
In the MPSC mains, there are a total of 6 papers. One of them is of descriptive type in nature, and hence no negative marking in that paper. In the other five papers they are of objective type, and for each wrong question, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total of right answers...