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MPSC State Services Mains Exam Pattern [Revised] SubjectMarks & Time DurationStandardMedium (Qualifying with 25% marks) Paper 1 – Marathi300 Marks; 3 HoursMatriculationMarathi Paper 2 – English300 Marks; 3 HoursMatriculationEnglish Papers to be counted for Merit (Mandatory) ...
Almost allMPSC examsare of Objective types. This means, you don’t need to write descriptive answers in the answer sheet. But there are one to two sets of papers in the different exams that are descriptive in nature, for e.g. Rajyaseva Mains Paper 1, JMFC Mains exam(All), etc. Over...
Syllabus for Preliminary Exam: - The preliminary exam consists of four papers i.e. General Knowledge, General English, General Marathi and General Studies. Candidates who pass the prelim exam qualify for the main exam. In main exam, there will be six papers; two languages papers (English & M...
Do not waste your time in answering tough questions, go for easy questions first and then for the tougher ones. English: As we all know English is the main drawback for students from the Marathi medium. English subject is compulsory in the MPSC Main exam. However, it is also important...