mpp_rtsp_player-rk3399 / mppdecoder.c mppdecoder.c12.24 KB 一键复制编辑原始数据按行查看历史 darkise提交于7年前.更新显示方式为drm方法,修改使用cmake #include"mppdecoder.h" #include<string.h> #include<pthread.h> #include"tools.h" #include"rkdrm.h" ...
sudo dnf install librockchip_mpp-devel2、编译链接:LDDFLAGS: = -lrockchip_mpp3、包含头文件:#include <rockchip/rockchip_mpp.h>MPP接口说明1、创建MPP解码器实例:MppDecoderCreate, 成功返回MPP结构指针MppDecoder *dec = MppDecoderCreate(DECODE_TYPE_H264);2、销毁MPP实例:MppDecoderDestroyMppDecoderDestr...
printf("failed to exec mpp_packet_init ret %d", ret); exit(1); } ret=mpp_create(&dec_ctx, &dec_mpi); if(ret){ printf("mpp_create failed\n"); exit(1); } // printf("<<< mpi decoder w %d h %d type %d\n", input_rtsp_width, input_rtsp_height, dec_type);ret...
mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 0 h 0 type 7 mpi: mpp version: 06a6014 author: Johnson Ding [build]: Update Android build script mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator mpp_rt: found drm allocator mpp_log: can not found match soc name: rockchip,android 9tripod,x3399-devel...
uboot need to change? I flush image from here: but no mpp support I want to find a workable kernel with hw encoder/decoder support