A virulent mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) involving clade I viruses began in 2023 and continues into 2025. A high proportion of cases have occurred in children aged younger than 15 years, with a case-fatality rate of 10% in infants and young children. Person-...
As mentioned above, clade 1 occurs regularly in the DRC. However, the current outbreak has become more widespread than any other previous outbreak (CDC, 2024f). As of August 2024, the WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) because of the threat that the clade...
Box 1. Commonly Asked Questions 1. Who Is at Risk for Mpox? Anyone can acquire mpox. During the worldwide clade II outbreak, transmission most commonly occurred through sexual contact among individuals who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. With clade Ia MPXV, transm...
The current epidemiological characteristics in the DRC differ greatly from those of the 2022 clade II global epidemic, which is still ongoing but at a much-reduced level. The 2022 mpox epidemic (clade II) has been primarily spread through sexual contact among men who have sex with men. As s...
The clade 1 mpox variant, responsible for the majority of current infections, has been detected in neighboring DRC countries, and in an increasing number of non-African countries where this variant is not known to be endemic.2,3To date, only one case outside the endemic region has been con...
The outbreak strain genome lacks the target sequence of the probe and primers of a commonly used Clade I-specific real-time PCR.doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.11.2400106Leandre Murhula MasirikaJean Claude UdahemukaLeonard SchuelePacifique Ndishimye...
has been associated with the 2022-23 global outbreak. Clade I MPXV is capable of human-to-human spread but has previously been associated with non-sexual routes of transmission, and Clade I has previously been observed to be more transmissible and to cause more severe infections than Clade II...
2025: Low levels of clade II cases continue worldwide. The2023 outbreakcontinues to current (2025) in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Due to Clade I or Ib, the country has the highest recorded cases, and most provinces report cases. ...
Box 1. Commonly Asked Questions 1. Who Is at Risk for Mpox? Anyone can acquire mpox. During the worldwide clade II outbreak, transmission most commonly occurred through sexual contact among individuals who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. With clade Ia MPXV, transm...
Box 1. Commonly Asked Questions 1. Who Is at Risk for Mpox? Anyone can acquire mpox. During the worldwide clade II outbreak, transmission most commonly occurred through sexual contact among individuals who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. With clade Ia MPXV, transm...