Indirect next hop: 0x964c440 1048574 INH Session ID: 0x142 State: <Secondary Active Int Ext ProtectionCand> Local AS: 64512 Peer AS: 64512 Age: 16:40 Metric2: 1 Validation State: unverified Task: BGP_64512. Announcement bits (2): 0-BGP_RT_Background 1-KRT AS path: 6...
Inter-AS Layer 3 MPLS VPNS can be deployed in four different ways, known as Option A, Option B, Option C, and Option D. Implementation with Option C is explained in this document. Configure Network Diagram The topology for the Inter-AS Option C exchange as ...
Inter-AS選項C或無縫MPLS(統一MPLS)網路中需要IPv4 labeled-unicast。這是因為預設情況下會標籤vpnv4/6字首,但IPv4(IPv6)單播的情況並非如此。如果情況並非如此,則標籤交換路徑(LSP)端對端會中斷,流量會端對端失敗。 檢視圖2,其中顯示Inter-AS Option C設定。 圖2. P1和P2路由器也是vpnv4的自治系統(AS)中...
此时,彼方IGP中会有条己方AS PE的路由 R1#show ip route | in EX D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area D EX [170/281856] via, 01:10:09, GigabitEthernet0/0R6#sh ip route | in EX D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA ...
Option C也叫作Multi-Hop eBGP方案,这种方案是在不同AS的PE之间直接建立MP-eBGP连接,以交换v4路由。与前两种方案不同的是,ASBR不再需要维护和交换v4路由了,减轻ASBR设备负担的同时也增强了网络的扩展性。为提高可扩展性,也可以在每个AS中指定一个路由反射器阻,由RR保存所有v4 路由与本AS内的PE交换v4 路由信息...
跨域VPN-OptionA(Inter-Provider Backbones Option A)方式:需要跨域的VPN在ASBR(AS Boundary Router)间通过专用的接口管理自己的VPN路由,也称为VRF-to-VRF;跨域VPN-OptionB(Inter-Provider Backbones Option B)方式:ASBR间通过MP-EBGP发布标签VPN-IPv4路由,也称为EBGP redistribution of labeled VPN-IPv4 ...
Figure 3-6 L3VPN inter-AS Option C LDP works with GBP routes as follows: Route advertisement The loopback address of PE_2 in Figure 3-6 is used as an example to describe the route advertisement process. PE_2 advertises to ASBR_2 through an IGP. After learning the route ...
CE-R7#CE-R8#show ip route bgp Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGPD - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 -...
跨域VPN-OptionB(Inter-Provider Backbones Option B)方式:ASBR间通过MP-EBGP发布标签VPN-IPv4路由,也称为EBGP redistribution of labeled VPN-IPv4 routes; 跨域VPN-OptionC(Inter-Provider Backbones Option C)方式:PE间通过Multi-hop MP-EBGP发布标签VPN-IPv4路由,也称为Multihop EBGP redistribution of labeled ...
创建本地VRF(Inter- AS Option B with Local VRF) 355 9.5 Inter-AS选项C 358 9.5.1 Inter-AS选项C部署模式下的 BGP会话 359 9.5.2 Inter-AS选项C—信令和 转发360 9.5.3 Inter-AS选项C—配置 363 9.6 运营商支撑运营商(Carrier Supporting Carrier) 367 ...