* Including Mandatory Contribution, Voluntary Contribution and Accrued Benefi ts transferred from other schemes. 包括強制性供款、自願性供款及由其他計劃轉移的累算權益。 If a Member fails to make a choice, contribution will be invested in the BEA (Industry Scheme) Stable Fund. 如成員未有作出選擇...
Voluntary Contributions Note 15 (If applicable) 自願性供款註 15(如適用) (9) For the voluntary contributions in my MPF account specified in Part II (5), 上述第二部分第 (5) 項所列之賬戶內的自願性供款, (Remarks: If you do not select any options but there are accrued benefits derived ...
* Including mandatory contribution, voluntary contribution, surcharge and accrued benefits transferred from other schemes. 包括強制性供款,自願性供款,附加費及由其他計劃轉移的累算權益. ^ Fees and charges of an MPF conservative fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of such fund or (ii...
#Subject to the rules of the MPF scheme. +Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) can only be paid or transferred into a TVC account, which is separate from a contribution account or a personal account. Transfer of TVC must be in a lump sum (full account balance), transfer in part ...
— Mandatory contributions that have been transferred into the contribution account and are attributable to former employment(s) Note 9 以往工作所累積並已轉移至供款帳戶的強制性供款 註9 — Voluntary contributions that have been transferred into the contribution account and are attributable to forme...
IF you wish to make DIFFERENT fund allocation percentage for current / previous employer / employee mandatory / voluntary / additional voluntary contributions / Government Injection Contributions for this part - Change of Investment Choice and / or Part III ...
BCT (MPF) Industry Choice BCT(強積金)行業計劃 Application Form – Special Voluntary Contribution (SVC) (and CRS Self-Certification) 特別自願性供款申請表格(及共同匯報標準的自我證明) Note 注意 1. Please read the Key Scheme Information Document (containing MPF Scheme Brochure) for BCT (MPF)...
Received by (Branch): on (dd/mm/yy) Received by (MPF Adm Ctr): on (dd/mm/yy) BEA (MPF) Master Trust Scheme / Industry Scheme 東亞(強積金)集成信託計劃 ∕行業計劃 Member – Addition / Change / Cancellation of Additional Voluntary Contribution 成員 – 新增∕更改∕取消附加自願性供款 (i...
(強積金)集成信託計劃 Special Voluntary Contribution Account (SVC) 特別自願性供款賬戶 Member – Change of Mandate to Invest Contribution / Fund Switching Instruction 成員 – 更改投資授權書 / 基金轉換指示 (i) Please read the MPF Scheme Brochure of the BEA (MPF) Master Trust Scheme (the "...
+Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) can only be paid or transferred into a TVC account, which is separate from a contribution account or a personal account. Transfer of TVC must be in a lump sum (full account balance), transfer in part will not be accepted. Meanwhile, transfer of...