但若你有自愿性供款 (voluntary contribution),这部份当你离职转工是可以提取的。积金局基本上唔多答到问题,最好打去自己的强积金公司问手续。,当你65岁或移民永久离开中国香港才可全数提取强积金。但若你有自愿性供款 (voluntary contribution),这部份当你离职转工是可以提取的。积金局基本上唔多...
In addition, both employees and employers can make voluntary contributions in addition to mandatory contributions, but the amounts of the two are not linked. To illustrate again with the above example, the employee can contribute $1,000 and the boss only contributes $500, or the boss can cont...
Voluntary contributions 自願性供款 This refers to the additional contribution that can be made on top of the mandatory contribution. Voluntary contributions differ from mandatory contributions in that: They can be withdrawn by the employee upon leaving a job. ...
With the exception of a few groups of people, when an employee’s salary meets the MPF contribution criteria, both the employer and the employee should contribute to a fund in accordance with the rules, which can be withdrawn after the employee reaches the age of 65 for retireme...
Personal Account Self-employed Account Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution Account Account Opening Appointment Form (MPF) Remarks: Anti-fraud tips: Please be aware of possible scam calls falsely claiming as MPF registered intermediaries. When in doubt, please call our service hotline 223 95559. Bank...
BCT helps you consolidate MPF accounts all at once Act now Tax-Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) Save up toHK$10,200 tax! Register now Employee Platform Start my eJounery Latest News 25 Feb 2025 BCT Wins "Ming Pao Awards for Excellence in Finance" for the Fourth Consecutive Year ...
+Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) can only be paid or transferred into a TVC account, which is separate from a contribution account or a personal account. Transfer of TVC must be in a lump sum (full account balance), transfer in part will not be accepted. Meanwhile, transfer of...
+Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) can only be paid or transferred into a TVC account, which is separate from a contribution account or a personal account. Transfer of TVC must be in a lump sum (full account balance), transfer in part will not be accepted. Meanwhile, transfer of...
Latest fund information Account consolidation BCT helps you consolidate MPF accounts all at once Act now Tax-Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) Save up toHK$10,200 tax! Register now Employee Platform Start my eJounery
Voluntary Contributions Note 15 (If applicable) 自願性供款註 15(如適用) (9) For the voluntary contributions in my MPF account specified in Part II (5), 上述第二部分第 (5) 項所列之賬戶內的自願性供款, (Remarks: If you do not select any options but there are accrued benefits derived ...