Out of the Dark Julia Stiles, Scott Speedman, Stephen Rea 793 votes Horror buffs will rejoice at this chilling tale set in a haunted South American village with an eerie past - where spirits from beyond torment its inhabitants mercilessly. Dark secrets are unearthed as a young couple see...
Set in the harsh but beautiful Yorkshire countryside, this romantic drama explores the tender relationship between a young sheep farmer and a Romanian migrant worker. As the characters grapple with their intense attraction, the film delves into themes of rural isolation, masculinity, and the enduring...
Set in the 1800s, Nosferatu follows real estate salesman Thomas Hutter (Hoult), who is tasked with finding a new residence for wealthy Transylvanian Count Orlok (Skarsgård). While trying to fulfill the task, Hutter learns that Orlok, a vampire, is infatuated with his wife, Ellen Hutter (...
Assault of the Party Nerds 2: The Heavy Petting Detective Blu-ray Posted 5 days ago Culture Shock Releasing has provided a promotional trailer for Assault of the Party Nerds 2: The Heavy Petting Detective, which will be included in a three-disc set (2BD/CD), scheduled to arrive on the ...
This mash-up ofDamon Packard,Stan Brakhage, andJean-Luc Godardhas everything to say, virtually all of it about howthisis a sequel to a film, set twenty-five years before, during, or after the original, an original which… I’m going to have to ask you to hold that thought as we ...
Critics Consensus: Smart and utterly original, The Draughtsman's Contract is a period piece that marks the further maturation of a writer-director with a thrillingly unique vision. Synopsis: Set in a richly exaggerated 17th-century England, Peter Greenaway's witty, stylized, erotic country house...
BOX SET Boxing Film Boxing Film Festival BOY #5 Brad Baruh BREAKING HABITS Brendan Carr Brett Gelman Brett Gregory Brian Hanson BRING OUT THE FEAR Bristol Brit Noir BritBox British crime film British film news British urban film Brook Driver Bruno Wizard Buddy Cooper ...
TheGRAND PRIZEis a CD Boxset with shirt and a Ringo hoodie! This event is free and open to the public, no purchase necessary but you must be in attendance to win the prize. Pre-Order using the links below to reserve your copy. ...
Set in the 19th century,Red Beardfollows the relationship between a village doctor and his new trainee. After getting his medical degree, Dr. Noboru Yasumoto (Yuzo Kayama) aspires to serve wealthy clients and have an insulated, affluent life but instead is sent to work in a small hospital ...
Charles Lane’s 1989 movie isn’t set in the past, but it’s styled to evoke it, taking the format of a 1920s silent with no diegetic sound at all until the very end. More specifically, it follows the format of Charlie Chaplin’sThe Kid,with which it’s in constant conversation. Li...