A delightful animated film where viewers are immersed in a whimsical forest filled with anthropomorphic flora. These vibrant characters embark on lighthearted adventures, proving that even the simplest tales can spark memorable experiences and bring joy to all ages. Released: 1932 Directed by: Burt Gi...
First Daughter is an entertaining and heartfelt look at the unique bond between fathers and daughters in extraordinary circumstances. Released: 2004 Directed by: Forest Whitaker Also ranks #6 on The 30+ Best College Romance Movies, Ranked Also ranks #9 on What's Coming To Netflix In October ...
The release is scheduled to arrive on the market on February 25. Read more | Comments (11) | Blu-ray Repo Men 4K Blu-ray Posted 2 days ago Kino Lorber are preparing a 4K Blu-ray release of Miguel Sapochnik's Repo Men (2010), starring Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Liev Schreiber, ...
This is one of the top movies in the UAE for fans of animated films. It follows the story of Vick, a programmer residing in a big city who often dreams of a magical forest and two bears. One day, he is offered a chance to restart his life as a logger, which he accepts. But soo...
COMMENTS:Having spent a couple years working my way through the 366 Weird Movies Reader Queue, I’ve been impressed with the perceptiveness of our contributors; even when I didn’t find a movie to be all that weird, I’ve always understood where the suggestion came from, the glimmer of su...
NEW MOVIES: Jan 2-8, 2025, “The Last Republican,”“From Ground Zero,”“Harbin,”“Vermiglio” THE LAST REPUBLICAN THE LAST REPUBLICAN Documentary In the wake of the January 6 Capitol riot, Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger teams up with Hollywood director Steve Pink, a fan of Pink’s...
Private Movies 21: Lady of the Rings: Directed by Frank Thring. With Frank Thring, Lara Stevens, Vanessa Hill, Clark. Two horny 'Hibbits' set out on a quest to destroy a golden evil ring, but throughout their adventure they encounter thick cocks that nee
The scares are right there onscreen, starting with the willowy whispers about horse hair fingers from interviewee slash legendary weirdo Mary Brown; the screams echoing in the forest in the middle of the night; the children’s handprints up and down the hallways of that fateful shack in the ...
Sometimes, we have a long weekend ahead of us with no plans at all. Playing a long movie in the background while doing daily chores makes for the best course of action. We understand that such movies can get mundane sometimes, but then, on other days, some flicks also help us kill ti...
In "Day Shift," Bud Jablonski (Jamie Foxx) is a southern California guy just dealing with everyday issues — you know, making a buck as a pool cleaner, affording braces and tuition for his kids... And oh: vampire hunting. "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie" ...