Skeptics can hark back to the hypocrisy meme, while activists might focus on the reduction in the number of children born to each female. And one or both of them may be right. The change that this might point to is simple: Climate activists have largely dismissed the thought of individual...
MEME46 is another random effects model for individual sites, but rather than assuming that the selection pressure must be constant for a site over all time (and all branches), it allows the detection of both pervasive and episodic diversifying evolution along only some of the branches....
VP1 amino acid sequence analysis was conducted using PredictProtein ( (Yachdavet al.2014). Selection pressure was measured by identifing instances of episodic positive selection, at the level of an individual site, using a mixed effects model of evolution (MEME) as ...
BHK21 clone 13 cells from baby hamster kidney were used and maintained in minimum essential medium with Eagle's salts (MEME) supplemented with heat-inactivated 5–10% newborn calf sera (NCS), 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin, and 25 i.u./mL mycostatin. Guinea pig ...
(ratio: dN/dS) was used to calculate the strength of selection pressure. In general, posterior probabilities > 0.9 for FUBAR andp< 0.1 for SLAC strongly imply positive selection. The Mixed Effects Model of Evolution (MEME) was used to identify the codon sites that were the subject of ...
The Mixed Effects Model of Evolution (MEME) was used to identify the codon sites that were the subject of episodic diversifying selection. At significance levels (p 0.05), strong evidence of selection was accepted. All the analyses were carried out using the online Datamonkey web server [17]....