if you want the page to go back when do horizontal scroll go to settings > mouse > more gestures then click the check mark for swipe between pages. View in context Similar questions Magic Mouse Hi, I have a problem with magic mouse. Scroll doesn't work - it zoom it instead scroll. P...
When this option is cleared, for example, to facilitate the use of line numbering, you can scroll to the right to see the ends of long lines.Horizontal scroll with Shift/Alt +mouse wheel is not working in my VS2012/VS2013 Code Editor. I did some search and did not find such combined ...
preventDefault ensures the page won’t scroll down. $(function() { $("body").mousewheel(function(event, delta) { this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 30); event.preventDefault(); }); }); See the Pen Horizontal Scrolling with mouse wheel by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen....
Try to scroll with the horizontal roller on the mouse. Additional context No response
(for exmaple https://xd.adobe.com/view/*** ), I can't scroll it horizontaly and vertically with keyboard keys (up, down, right, left). I can't scroll it horizontally with hold&drag by mouse (only verticall scroll is working). I can scroll only with special mouse buttons or ...
Horizontal scroll with Shift/Alt +mouse wheel is not working in my VS2012/VS2013 Code Editor. I did some search and did not find such combined keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio.If you don’t use ‘Word wrap’, I am afraid that you have to scroll to the right manually....
When I am on the web, I can scroll both horizontally and vertically using only my mouse wheel. Wheel up/down -> vertical Wheel left/right ->
Auto Scroll remains enabled until you click the mouse. The horizontal scrollbar A horizontal scrollbar can be found at the bottom of the Excel window. Clicking the scrollbar arrows or clicking and dragging the scrollbar allows you to scroll horizontally. ...
The auxiliary button further cooperates with a function control unit built inside the mouse. When the user activates the auxiliary button and moves the mouse horizontally, the function control unit will activate the scroll lock function and simulate the displacement signal of the mouse such that the...
Refs: #95952 "workbench.editor.scrollToSwitchTabs": natural Have a mouse with horizontal press Horizontal scroll is too senstivie in the tab area and seems pretty useless due to that Vertical scroll works just fine. And horizontal scroll...