preventDefault ensures the page won’t scroll down. $(function() { $("body").mousewheel(function(event, delta) { this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 30); event.preventDefault(); }); }); See the Pen Horizontal Scrolling with mouse wheel by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen....
This topic is empty. Hi, I want a horizontally scrolling website and find a solution using Flexbox. The scroll and divs are showing as I want. But, the problem is- I can’t scroll by mouse wheel. Is there any way to do that using CSS or do I need to use JS for that? Codepen...
DOCTYPE html> Horizontal Scrolling with JS .scroll-container { width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap; } .scroll-item { display: inline-block; width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: lightblue; margin-right: 10px; } </...
I am trying to put together a page that is horizontal and when you scroll down on your mouse, you scroll to the right and if you scroll up on your mouse, you scroll to the left. Here is what I got so far: HTML Section 1 Section 2 ...
In this way, the original vertical container has become a horizontal container. In the figure, the movement of the container without the mouse on the scroll bar is realized by the scroll wheel. Of course, this has a very serious problem. If there is content in the container, it becomes ...
If you want a fullscreen horizontal website, this can be done with CSS snap scroll! We’ll be explaining in this article how to it. If you are on a desktop make sure to press SHIFT while you use the mouse wheel (in order to scroll horizontally) or use the trackpad and swipe horizo...
html{scroll-behavior:smooth} 锚点或者导航会轻柔的滑动,而不是默认的突然调转,小小的改变带来很大的...
Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) About a code CSS Only Hologram Effect Button 3D Icon This is a no Javascript button; when you hover your mouse on the button, a 3D icon will appear, like hologram effect. The button may be rotated by moving the mouse pointer over the button. ...
1 // 使用在元素的标签上的事件2 // 第一种方式3 onmouseover="'mouseHand'"45 // 第二种方式6 onmouseover="this.ClassName=‘mouseHand’“ 3. cursor属性的常用取值,如下: 1 default :标准箭头光标2 pointer, hand :手形光标3 auto :标准光标4 all-scroll :三角方向光标5 move :移...