a, UMAP showing human M1 SNARE–seq2 data, labelled by cell subclass and AC cluster (colours). Astro, astrocyte; Car3, CAR3 gene; CT, corticothalamic cell; ET, extratelencephalic cell; IT, intratelencephalic cell; micro, microglia; NP, near-projecting; oligo, oligodendrocyte; OPC, oligodend...
organ hypendymal cells; MGL, microglia; MSN, telencephalon projecting inhibitory neurons (or medium spiny neurons); NGNBL, non-glutamatergic neuroblasts; OBINH, olfactory inhibitory neurons; OEC, olfactory ensheathing cells; OLG, oligodendrocytes; OPC, oligodendrocyte precursor cells; PEP, peptidergic n...
Neuroinflammation, a significant contributor to various neurodegenerative diseases, is strongly associated with the aging process; however, to date, no efficacious treatments for neuroinflammation have been developed. In aged mouse brains, the number of infiltrating immune cells increases, and the key tran...
Ascl1 defines sequentially generated lineage-restricted neuronal and oligodendrocyte precursor cells in the spinal cord Development, 134 (2007), pp. 285-293 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Bayer and Altman, 1987 S.A. Bayer, J. Altman Directions in neurogenetic gradients and patterns of anatomi...
coupling between oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), whereas STICRE14showed stronger coupling between oligodendrocytes, OPCs and astrocytes (Fig.1e). Notably, 37.2% of STICRE10clones contained cells of a single class, compared with 62% of STICRE14-descent clones (Fig.1f)...
(GFAP)andoligodendrocytemarkermyelinbasicprotein(MBP)weredetectedbyimmunofluorescencemethod.ThemR- NAexpressionofGFAP,nestin,β 3 -tubulin,MAP-2andMBPwasdetectedbyRT-RCR.MAP-2genesequencewasiden- tified.TheproportionsofNSCsdifferentiatedfromiPSCsandneuronsfromNSCsweredetectedbyflowcytometry.RE- SULTS:MouseiPS...
Bars indicate the number of genes in a category (x-axis); the line gives the p-value for each pathway. (G) Heat map of the top 1000 most abundant mRNAs expressed in the oligodendrocyte lineage (combined OPC, NFO, and MO) to compare their abundance with that in myelin. mRNAs expressed...
A total of 16,028 cells were identified as 6 major cell types, including neurons (NEUR), astrocytes (ASC), immune cells (IMMUNE), endothelial progenitor cells (EP), oligodendrocyte (OLG), and vascular endothelial cells (VASC), according to the metadata reported by the original study [29]....
6 and 8). This identified major neuronal and glial cell populations, including different populations of pyramidal neurons (CPNs, subcerebral projection neurons (SCPNs) and CThPNs) and interneurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocyte-lineage populations, which expressed classical cell type marker genes, ...