2, … d, the question of what the optimal order is arises. The optimal order of a variableyi(t) in the VAR model determines the number of time-lags that is necessary to take into account, in
From these studies and other phenotypic assays, molecular players engaged in distinct phases of the cell cycle, namely, G1, S, G2, and M phases, have been identified, resulting in a static pathway map of the cell cycle [1]. These maps lack dynamical in- formation, owing to the absence...
A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. NNuturtireinentst s2021081,8 1, 01,0 x, 1F4O01R PEER REVIEW 5 5ofo f151 6 33. .RReseusultlst s 33.1.1. .PPMM AAmmeleiloiroartaetse sOObebsees ePPhhenenotoytyppese...