2, … d, the question of what the optimal order is arises. The optimal order of a variableyi(t) in the VAR model determines the number of time-lags that is necessary to take into account, in
embryonic day (E)17.5 whole mouse reference RNA identical to that used previously [15] to examine embryonic mouse colon gene expression dynamics from E13.5 to E18.5, during which time the primitive, undifferentiated, pseudo-stratified colonic endoderm becomes a differentiated, single-layered epithelium...
From these studies and other phenotypic assays, molecular players engaged in distinct phases of the cell cycle, namely, G1, S, G2, and M phases, have been identified, resulting in a static pathway map of the cell cycle [1]. These maps lack dynamical in- formation, owing to the absence...
A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. NNuturtireinentst s2021081,8 1, 01,0 x, 1F4O01R PEER REVIEW 5 5ofo f151 6 33. .RReseusultlst s 33.1.1. .PPMM AAmmeleiloiroartaetse sOObebsees ePPhhenenotoytyppese...
biomedicines Article Mitochondrial Transfer by Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Ameliorates Hepatocyte Lipid Load in a Mouse Model of NASH Mei-Ju Hsu 1,†, Isabel Karkossa 2,† , Ingo Schäfer 3 , Madlen Christ 1, Hagen Kühne 1, Kristin Schubert 2 , Ulrike E. Rolle-Kampczyk 2, Stefan...