4). Asialo GM1 (GA1) accumulated in β-gal−/− mouse brain, with the greatest concentration found in the MS fraction (Fig. 4). No significant differences were found in cholesterol content between +/− and −/− mice in whole brain, PM, or microsomes (Table 1). Download: ...
Fig. 6: In vivo prime editing to install Pcsk9 Q155H and its effect on plasma cholesterol levels. a, Timing of injections of v3em PE3-AAV9, evaluation of prime editing and plasma analysis. b, Bulk liver editing efficiencies for installation of Pcsk9 Q155H with an epegRNA that includes...
This is in line with a study on cholesterol metabolism during mouse brain development, which showed that LDs increased when cholesterol metabolism was disrupted, potentially due to an increased uptake of lipoproteins from the circulation61. Future studies will have to show if there is a regional, ...
Indeed, myelin is one of the most long-lived structures of the rodent brain1. However, the finding that several myelin proteins display a half-life of about 6 months indicates that myelin is indeed turned over in normal brains, though slowly. Utilizing the fallout of nuclear bomb tests in ...
Protein concentration in the sample was measured by Bradford reagent (Sigma) and specific enzyme activity was calculated. 3. Results 3.1. Generation of single, double and triple deficient mice Previously generated HexA−/− Neu4−/− Neu1−/− male mice were crossed with C57/Black6 ...
NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 or Niemann-Pick C1 protein (NPC1) is a 1,278 aminoacids (aa) intracellular cholesterol transporter which plays an important role in cholesterol transport from the endosomal/lysosomal compartment. NPC1 was identified as the gene that when mutated, resul...
we fed DM1 liver mice and ApoE-rtTA controls standard chow supplemented with a 2 g/kg Dox diet until weaning, as previously described. Once weaned, the mice were switched to a high-fat, high-sugar, and heightened cholesterol (western) diet supplemented with 0.1 g/kg Dox for eight ...
The filtered cell suspension was counted using a Countstar automated cell counter, and based on the cell count results, the concentration was adjusted to the target value by adding either more solvent or additional cell suspension. Besides, basic characteristics of HUCMSCs was verified (Figure S1,...
We associated brain regions with specific metabolites using 5-fold differences in abundance and FDR significance p < 0.05 compared to the average of all other regions (Supplementary Data 5). For example, PO and MD were uniquely enriched in SM and Cers, while the OB showed cholesterol ...
Trace amounts of copper exacerbate beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in the cholesterol-fed mice through TNF-mediated inflammatory pathway. Brain Behav Immun 2009; 23: 193–203. 30 Shanks M, Kivipelto M, Bullock R, Lane R. Cholinesterase inhibition: is there evidence for disease-modifying ...