In 1960, Bill Bridgforth, who owned the Tri City Beverage Corporation, would alter the flavor of Mountain Dew. Mixing the Tri-City Lemonade flavored drink that tasted like the drink7Upwith Mountain Dew. This formula would become the original Mountain Dew flavor that is still used today. ...
In our parallel text for this night we read theStillness Sittingsection fromDewdrops on Stinging Nettles(3). This text, like the first night of the Exhortations and the excerpt read from the Huayan patriarch Chih-yen, presents the fundamentals of seated meditation practice. Like those texts it...
Trying to sophisticate the Dew seems like one of the dumbest ideas ever. And somehow, PepsiCo’s flavor warlocks, demented and likely overworked they are, pulled it off. Black Label is the only Dew flavor you could describe as “complicated.” And like nearly all great art, it’squiteco...