Ten years later, the 3rd Mountain Dew flavor would be introduced called Mountain Dew Red in 1998. This flavor was introduced the same year as one of the first redesigns of the Mountain Dew. Just three years after the release of Mountain Dew Red, Pepsi would release Mountain Dew: Code Red...
In our parallel text for this night we read theStillness Sittingsection fromDewdrops on Stinging Nettles(3). This text, like the first night of the Exhortations and the excerpt read from the Huayan patriarch Chih-yen, presents the fundamentals of seated meditation practice. Like those texts it...
and thus cannot have cults of personality, but it’s the only Dew flavor with its own cult nonetheless, and for good reason. I would worship Baja Blast if it were a living, omnipotent entity. Baja Blast has components of lime and berry, but tastes of something else ...