Approval of Minutes: Patricia Folk made a motion to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Sally Cairns seconded the motion to approve. All members present in favor of motion to approve. Motion carried. New Business: Chairman Ed Cairns stated that th ...
Motion capture: a fast way to animation: new technology enables directors to approve as much as 100 minutes of product per day of high-quality animation.Taylor, Michael
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bradley Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of March 10, 2008 as amended under the Solicitor's Report. Seconded by Eric Bacon, motion carried. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT: David Gemmill, on behalf of Chief Witmer, reported there were 72 calls for the quarter and a...
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Shaffer, sec onded by Adams, to approve the minutes of the April 22, 010, Civil Service Commission meeting as written. Vote on Motion: 2-0. Motion declared carried unanimously. CERTIFICATION OF ENTRY-LEVEL APPLICANTS: Moved by ...