A motion to approve the minutes of previous [date of previous meeting] was made by [secretary’s name] and seconded by [seconder’s name]. Reports [Report name] was presented by [name of presenter] [Report name] was presented by [name of presenter] Main motions [Name of motion] moved...
At the beginning of the next board meeting, revise the minutes based on feedback and obtain the board’s approvals in written signatures, e-signatures, or motions with unanimous consent. Then distribute the final document to all board members. You should also maintain official records of all ...
2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM (DATE) You need a motion to approve the prior meeting's minutes. Motion: To approve the minutes of (DATE) as circulated (or AMENDED) Motion By: Name of person (FIRST & LAST) who made the motion Seconded By: Name of the person (FIRST & LAST))...
successfulmeeting•5.2MeetingNotices•5.3MeetingAgendas•5.4MeetingMinutes Notice—iswhatameetingorganizershouldsendtoall thepeopleattendingthemeeting.•Noticecanbeintheformof •aletter•amemo•apostcard•ane-mailmessage ANoticecontains:•Dateandtimeofthemeeting.•Theplacewherethemeetingwill...
theminuteswerewritten Whenwritingminutes,weneedtousereportedspeechaswellasarangeofreportingverbs.EXAMPLE Heading MainbodyEnding 1 EXAMPLE TheHeading •MeetingTitle•NameofCommittee•MeetingDate•Time•MeetingLocation•MembersPresent•MembersAbsent ASPRECISEAS POSSIBLE FranzeCo.MonthlyBoardMeeting Meeting...
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the May 26th, 2020 board meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board. The previous Sunday’s race night was discussed. Bills were presented to the board and approved to be paid. ...
Councilman Fetters made a motion to approve the consent agenda, containing the January 4thminutes and Appropriation Ordinance 2023-01. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT:ED Director Sailor-Anne Seiler reported the following updates from her office. She h...
ptoPTO 系统标签: jfkptominutesmeetingbullyingerck JFKPTOMEETING May8,2012 InAttendance:Seeattached,page5 Meetingcalledtoorderat7:10byTammiBorchard.JodiJenkinsrecordedthe minutes. AmotionwasmadetowaivethereadingoftheApril2012minutesandtoapprove theminutesaswritten.Themotionwasseconded.Themotionpassed.TheApril...
BUSINESS ITEMS:The meeting was turned over to the City Administrator for the budget hearing for the Land Bank budget. There being no public comment, Councilman Shewry made a motion to approve the land bank budget. Councilman Hendrickson seconded the motion; vote unanimous. ...
Members absent:(none)The HeadingMeeting TitleName of Committee Meeting DateTimeMeeting LocationMembers PresentMembers Absent AS PRECISE AS POSSIBLE EXAMPLEApproval of minutes:Motion: Approve minutes from 14 January 2013 board meetingVote: Motion carriedResolved: Minutes from the meeting on 14 January 2013...