We investigated whether forms cues can affect the pooling of motion signals and whether they differentially affect the pooling of 1D and 2D signals. Global-Gabor (GG) and global-plaid (GP) stimuli were used. These stimuli consist of multiple apertures that contain either Gabors or plaids, ...
37. What are the SI units for the constants A and B in Problem 36? 50.Hold a pencil in front of your eye at a position where its blunt end just blocks out the Moon (Fig.1-11). Make appropriate measurements to estimate the diameterof the Moon, given that the Earth-Moon distance is...
We report the observation of quantized energy levels for the motion of cesium atoms in optical molasses consisting of two counterpropagating σ+ beams and a small transverse magnetic field. The observation of overtones proves the existence of at least four bound states in each optical potential well...
Even under steady fixation moving plaids can generate small optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) along the directions of both component (1D) and pattern (2D) motion. 1D OKN followed the direction of either one or the other grating, not the vector average (whose direction was the same as 2D motion)...
作者设置的卷积核大小是3x3的大小,因此是i,j\in [-1,1]。作者将相邻的时序特征之间产生一组motion,就像光流一样,去产生T-1组motion信息,为了使得最后维度T保持住,作者在最后使用0来表示最后一步的特征,接着将他们连接起来,接着使用1x1的2D卷积将C恢复回去。这样就可以获得时序上的信息。
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Fig. 4a compared 2D GIWAXS patterns of PEDOT:PSS films and PTGs with and without additives, respectively. The 1D scattering profiles along qz and qxy directions were obtained from the 2D GIWAXS patterns (Supplementary Fig. 9). The (010) peak at around qz = 1.8 Å−1 is ...
Multi-layered tissue mimicking phantoms were designed and fabricated to mimic the graphical features of tumours in human livers in diagnostic ultrasound images. The phantom was then fixed onto three motion setups: 1) controllable 1D reciprocal motion stage, 2) controllable 2D reciprocal motion stage,...
Moreover, obviously different photomechanical energy conversions (light-driven cracking/popping and bending/motion) occur for the 2D and 1D cocrystals, respectively. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra show the occurrence of photoinduced [2 + 2] cycloaddition in both cocrystals, which is the ...
af26f19932d3116b67e133da/natsort-8.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from imageio==2.9.0->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) (7.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /opt/...