Theoretical models emphasize the role of social interactions and transgenerational mechanisms in the development of the disorder suggesting a closer look at caregiver-child relationships. Methods: The current study investigated mother-adolescent interactions and their association with adolescent BPD traits by ...
, Minnesota symposium on child psychology (vol. 1). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Google Scholar Hodges, E. V., Finnegan, R. A., & Perry, D. A. (1999). Skewed autonomy-relatedness in preadolescents’ conceptions of their relationships with mother, father, and best friend....
Mother–child interactions in adolescents with borderline personality disorder traits and the impact of early life maltreatment Background: Early detection and intervention of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in adolescence has become a public health priority. Theoretical model... K Williams,L Fleck...
Associations between observed motheradolescent interactions during a conflict task and adolescents information management strategies were examined in 108 primarily middle class, European-American adolescents (M = 13.80 years, SD = 1.52) and their mothers. Teens who communicated more clearly disclosed more ...
Additionally, it was illegal for any organization or individual to employ school-age children or adolescents. A typical child who started school at age 6 would complete the nine-year formal schooling by age 15 and decide whether to pursue further education or work. Although the law stipulates ...
Adolescent-friendly clinical care for teen parents and their children involves the same principles and approaches that are effective with all clinical or case management interactions with adolescents, as outlined previously in this chapter. During the many well-baby pediatric visits as well as anyurgent...
This study on mother–child interactions is in line with Sigel’s theoretical approach to distancing. The current study aimed at analyzing the distancing postures used by mothers with their young child in school-like tasks, according to their level of education and children’s sex. The main hypo...
Vocabulary skills of Spanish—English bilinguals: impact of mother—child language interactions and home language and literacy support Quantity and quality of home language use as well as home literacy resources are positively related to vocabulary knowledge among children growing up monol... BG Quiroz...
There were significant positive correlations between mothers and daughters in the intake of all macronutrients, whereas none between mothers and sons (sex interactions: protein,P=0·001; fat,P=0·004; carbohydrates,P=0·001). Mothers and daughters (r0·29,P<0·001), but not mothers and ...
Furthermore, parent–child interactions occur in a wide range of contexts (e.g., play, caregiving, teaching), and parent–child interactions in one context may affect interactions in another context (Lollis & Kuczynski, 1997). Relatedly, child effects occur, not solely within the mother–child...