In adolescence, (i)___ interactions are crucial in forging a self-identity. To be sure, this process often plays out in (ii)___ as a means of defining and shoring up the sense of self. Kids will seek out like-minded companions, and spurn others who seem different. But when kept wi...
Spear LP, Brake SC . (1983): Periadolescence: age-dependent behavior and psychopharmacological responsivity in rats.Dev Psychobiol16: 83–109 ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Stanton WR . (1995): DSM-III-R tobacco dependence and quitting during late adolescence.Addict Behav20: 595–603 ArticleCASGoogle ...
Adolescent depression is becoming one of the major public health concerns, because of its increased prevalence and risk of significant functional impairment and suicidality. Clinical depression commonly emerges in adolescence; therefore, the prevention a
For example, we owe Freud credit for the proposition, now widely viewed as an article of faith, that childhood experiences shape subsequent personality and behavior, although Freud himself only shifted the focus from late childhood and early adolescence to infancy very late in his life. Similarly,...
Research on happiness in preadolescence and adolescence has been limited regarding the sources of happiness. The present study aims to explore such sources
Adolescence is a crucial period when cognitive and emotional skills develop for successful transition into adulthood (Wood et al.2018). However, research has shown that children and youth in the criminal justice system are more likely to experience delayed cognitive development, evidenced by factors ...
Simultaneously, adolescence is marked by the increased importance of peer relationships and a greater reliance on peers for social support [13,14]. Peer interactions help contribute to adolescents' social health by enhancing their sense of belonging and reducing a sense of burdensomeness on others,...
interactions: attractive people tend to be attributed more positive personality traits40,41,42, they are seen as healthier43, more intelligent44, and they are more likely to be hired for a job45. In the context of mate choice, attractive people have more dates, are seen as more competent ...
The interaction between factors (ii) and (iii) was also modelled in order to be able to address interactions between sex and condition and their modulation by cycle phase. In particular, we wanted to assess if sex differences were moderated by menstrual cycle phase in women. Please note that...
Most insights about host–microbiota interactions come from animal models, which represent crucial tools for studying the various pathways linking the gut and the brain. However, there are complexities and manifest limitations inherent in translating complex human disease to reductionist animal models. In...