Genre: Drama, Crime, ThrillerIMDb Rating: 8.9/10 There are dozens of crime series that may look similar to this one at a glance. But Fargo takes a standard format and infuses it with black comedy, quirk, and, frankly, quality. This is unsurprising once you learn that the Coen brothers...
Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 130+ shows on Most Exciting Thriller Series Ever Made. Current Top 3: Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Dexter
Murder Among the Mormons is a riveting documentary series that delves into a series of deadly bombings in Salt Lake City in 1985, shaking the local Mormon community to its core. The series uncovers a web of deception, forgery, and murder linked to rare document de...
Widowsisn’t like most modern blockbusters, though. It’s just as thrilling and explosive as you’d want a crime thriller like it to be, but it’s also richer and more emotionally and intellectually engaging than most mainstream Hollywood films of the past five years. It ...
Ten years ago, the acclaimed British crime drama,Top Boy, came to a premature end despite winning praise from critics and fans alike. The series could have remained in the TV graveyard if it hadn’t had such a prominent fan in the rapper known as Drake. Because he was so passionate abou...
If you’ve seen cyberpunk crime thriller Swordfish, you know exactly the scene we’re about to mention here. A bluesy bass riff plays while Hugh Jackman lights up a cigarette, preparing for his next virtuosic hack. We’re treated to two minutes of Jackman typing nonsense, muttering stuff ...
It's a dark moment when the audience realizes that there's no empathy, and she truly gets pleasure out of the suffering of others. Her capacity for manipulation and willingness to go such extreme lengths to get what she wants. Movie Lists Crime Thriller Follow Like Share...
The Man in the White Van (2024) Movie Review: An occasionally chilling but pointless crime thriller about a mystery as clear as daylight 12/29/2024 by Akash Deshpande High on Films Longlegs Director Oz Perkins Helmed A Sequel To One Of The Best Twilight Zone Episodes 12/29/2024 by Debopr...
If you’ve seen cyberpunk crime thrillerSwordfish, you know exactlythe scenewe’re about to mention here. A bluesy bass riff plays while Hugh Jackman lights up a cigarette, preparing for his next virtuosic hack. We’re treated to two minutes of Jackman typing nonsense, muttering stuff like ...