Best true crime on Netflix, including docuseries, documentaries, true crime podcasts, true crime shows, true crime books, true crime movies, & more
Thriller movies are renowned for their ability to hack our attention, keeping us glued to the heart-pounding narratives their protagonists find themselves in. The genre offers a broad range of experiences, from nail-biting suspense and edge-of-the-seat murder mysteries to unforeseen plot twists an...
Set in the seedy world of 1950s Los Angeles, this stylish neo-noir crime thriller follows three distinctly different police officers as they navigate through corruption, scandal, and murder. As the layers begin to unravel, it becomes clear that nothing is quite as it seems, making for an...
The Roaring Twenties (1939) is a riveting crime thriller directed by Raoul Walsh that chronicles the rise and fall of a disillusioned war veteran turned Bootlegger, portrayed convincingly by James Cagney. Co-starring Humphrey Bogart and Priscilla Lane, this film captures the essence of a tumultuous...
Mindhunter is an American crime thriller television series created by Joe Penhall, based on the true-crime book Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit written by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. The series is executive produced by Penhall, David Fincher, and Charlize Theron ...
Also ranks #8 on The Best French Action Movies Also ranks #20 on The 60+ Best Hostage Movies Of All Time 29 Savages Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson 80 votes Oliver Stone's gritty crime thriller follows two pot growers who must rescue their shared girlfriend from a M...
One of the best movies on Netflix is long enough to be broken into 4 digestible 'episodes' that are about 52 minutes each. And this crime thriller utilizes each and every moment to build suspenseful situations for Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Al Pacino, with the latter portraying Jimmy ...
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Black Thriller Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Training Day, Get Out, Boyz n the Hood
Plaza expertly embodies the despair that forces Emily to the lowest level of crime and is a gripping story of someone escaping constant turmoil. If you love a crime thriller, Emily the Criminal is a short, sharp movie that will have you hooked for the entire 97 minutes running time with ...
Also ranks #26 on The Best Movies About Older Women 26 The Big Easy Dennis Quaid, Ellen Barkin, Ned Beatty 152 votes Set in steamy New Orleans, this crime thriller stars Dennis Quaid as a police detective and Ellen Barkin as the assistant district attorney with whom he becomes romantically ...