1) morphism of finite type 有限型态射 2) finite dimension linear model 有限维反射模型 3) harmonic map of finite type 有限型调和映射 1. Finally,aharmonic map of finite typefrom a surface into SO(3) is constructed. 作为本文结果的应用,给出了一个从曲面到李群SO(3)中的有限型调和映射的例子。
48 High-Order Accuracy Computation of Coupling Functions for Strongly Coupled Oscil 44:34 Footnotes to Turing (1952)_ Some Modern Challenges in Pattern Formation 1:02:03 Finite sample rates for optimal transport estimation problems 1:03:07 The Connection Between RDEs and PDEs 1:01:05 Branes, ...
On finite type epimorphisms of ringsIn this note, finite type epimorphisms of rings are characterized.Abolfazl Tarizadeh
n. 摹式射 实用场景例句 全部 Different allels mey be acquired within the invented segment after the inversion polymorphismis established. 在倒位多形性形成后,在倒位的区段内可能获得不同的等位基因. 辞典例句 The author obtained a and necessary condition amorphismof to be locally of finite type. ...
Let f: X u2192 Y be a finite type morphism of locally noetherian schemes. It is well known ([3, IV, 7.8.6]) that the excellent property ascends from Y to X. On the other side there are counter-examples where X is excellent and Y is not. First of all it is easy to show that...
网络态射 网络释义 1. 态射 ...化:早期使用的是半群、群、格等数学概念,晚年则运用态射(morphisms)、范畴 (categories)等更抽象的代数概念重新 … www.docin.com|基于11个网页 释义: 全部,态射
Let Tilt(U_q({\mathfrak {g}}), {\mathbb {Q}}(q)) denote the category of tilting modules in the category of finite dimensional modules of Lusztig’s quantum group where {\mathfrak {g}} is a semisimple Lie algebra and q a primitive \ell -th root of unity where \ell > h and ...
Degrees of irreducible morphisms and finite representation type - Chaio, Meur, et al. () Citation Context ...ctor of M, then θ S factors through M. We are ready to state the main result, in which the equivalence of the first three statements for the algebraically closed case has been ...
finite groups of Lie typealgebraic groupsindecomposable representationsmaximal subgroupsThe following problem is considered. Given a homomorphism :X鈫扜 between finite groups of Lie type in characteristic p, when can this be lifted to a morphism of suitable algebraic groups. In the special case where...
representation type if and only if for every indecomposable projective the inclusion of the radical in the projective has finite right degree, which is equivalent to requiring that for every indecomposable injective the epimorphism from the injective to its quotient by its socle has finite left ...