(Locally Conformally Kähler Geometry) 1:01:45 Adrian Andrada:Holonomy of the Bismut connection on complex solvmanifolds 57:27 Adrián Andrada:Abelian almost contact structures和具有skew-symmetric torsion的联络 1:02:05 A.Tolcachier:Special Hermitian structures on products of Sasakian manifolds 58:...
Irreducible morphismAlmost split sequenceKrull-Schmidt categoryLocally finite dimensional moduleStrongly locally finite quiverAuslander-Reiten quiverLet be a Hom-finite additive Krull-Schmidt k-category where k is an algebraically closed field. Let denote the category of locally finite dimensional -modules,...
Locally finite and locally nilpotent derivations with applications to polynomial flows and polynomial morphisms 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者:Arno,van,den,Essen 摘要: We give a very simple proof of the fact that the Lorenz equations and the Maxwell-Bloch equations do not have a polynomial flow. We ...
Locally finite varieties of representations of groups 来自 Math-net 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: SM Vovsi 摘要: Locally finite varieties of representations of groups SM Vovsi UDC: 512 Received:24.06.1976 Citation: SM Vovsi, "Locally finite varieties of representations of groups",Izv. Vyssh...
Namely, if X× S1 ≃ K with K a finite CW-complex of dimension say n, then X is homotopy equivalent to an infinite cyclic covering space of K, which is a locally finite CW-complex of dimension n. First examples of finitely dominated spaces which are not homotopy equivalent to finite ...
Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.Morphisms.Finite Mathlib.Topology.Gluing Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.SpecialFunctions.Arctan Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.OperatorNorm.NormedSpace Mathlib.Topology.LocallyClosed Mathlib.Topology.Connected.LocallyConnected Mathlib.FieldTheory.Galois.Profinite Mathlib.MeasureTheory....
Since R m f ∗ O X is locally free on the smooth locus off, then R m f ∗ O X has to be a torsion sheaf on Y . Since X and Y aresmooth and f is surjective, by Koll´ ar’s torsion-freeness theorem [6],one hasR m f ∗ O X = 0. (1.1)Let m z be the ...
The group structures of automorphism groups of elliptic function fields over finite fields and their applications to optimal locally repairable codes The automorphism group of an elliptic curve over an algebraically closed field is well known. However, for various applications in coding theory and crypto...
The most striking results that we obtain are certainly that the linear span of finite spaces carries the structure of the enveloping algebra of a B∞-algebra, and that there are natural (Hopf algebraic) morphisms between finite spaces and quasi-symmetric functions. In the process, we introduce...
The usual duality for finite dimensional vector spaces induces a duality on the category of torsion free quotient divisible abelian groups of finite rank with quasi-homomorphisms as morphisms. This duality preserves rank, is exact, hence... DM Arnold - 《Pacific Journal of Mathematics》 被引量:...