the elimination of the z leads to one set of differential algebraic equations (hence, with no inequations ) if the projection map along z is a finite morphism of algebraic varieties; that is, if the differential algebra which defines the system is integral over a suitable differential subalgebr...
22 Weak solutions to the master equation of a potential mean field game 57:26 Controlling Human Microbiota 48:56 Describing interacting particle systems via partial differential equations and g 30:38 Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 1 56:20 Epidemic Model-Based Benchmark for Optimal ...
This chapter is concerned mainly with the dimension-theoretical analysis of morphisms between varieties. This involves substantially more commutative algebra than has been used up to now. Thus, Section 1 establishes Noether鈥檚 Normalization Theorem, which is used for reducing some of the required ...
Define Morphisms. Morphisms synonyms, Morphisms pronunciation, Morphisms translation, English dictionary definition of Morphisms. n. In mathematical category theory, a generalization or abstraction of the concept of a structure-preserving function. Ameri
The paper deals with the first systematic study of the spaces of regular and ratinal maps between arbitrary algebraic varieties over a real closed field R. We find conditions under which these spaces are reduced to the space of Zariski locally constant maps, we investigate the finiteness propertie...
Mori Birational geometry of algebraic varieties Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 134, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1998) MR 2000b:14018 Google Scholar [18] Y. Namikawa Extension of 2-forms and symplectic varieties J. Reine Angew. Math., 539 (2001), pp. 123-147 MR 1863856 (...
Complex local systems and morphisms of varieties 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: B Lasell 摘要: | . , no. (), p. 141-166 Full text | | Reviews | | 1 : , , (). | 2 : . () -. | 3 : , () -.III, () -. | | 4 and : . Proc. Midwest Algebraic Geom...
Given two nonsingular real algebraic varieties V and W , we consider the problem of deciding whether a smooth map f : V → W can be approximated by regular maps in the space of 𝒞 ∞ mappings from V to W in the 𝒞 ∞ topology. Our main result is a co
摘要:In the note under review we are interested to estimate the inseparable degree of a morphisms between algebraic varieties. We prove: Theorem: Let g:X→Y be a generically finite dominant morphism of irreducible algebraic varieties. There exist finitely many codimension one subvarieties Z 1 ,...
After the proof of a not very known refinement of the Noether Normalization Theorem, we obtain two sharp degree bounds for the geometric degree of a dominating morphism of irreducible affine algebraic varieties and for the degree of the components of the inverse of an isomorphism of such varieties...