线话干货 Morning person,您觉得是什么意思呢? 早上的人? 当然不是啦! 其实"morning person"指的是“早起的人”、“起得早的人”。 除了morning person,early bird也可以指早起的人。 Are you a morning person/an early bird? "The early bird...
Day72: Morning person or night owl? 2019年3月13日,周三,晴 Q72: 早起鸟还是夜猫子? 公司正常上班时间是9点到9点半,I arrived at the office at 8:00, get up at 6:40, so U tell me the answer. 向日葵,向阳而生 两种选择:转头做梦,起身追梦 早睡早起让人健康、富有、智慧——富兰克林 早起的人...
1 You know whether you’re a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you’re a picky eater of a human garbage pail. But do you know if you learn better by reading or by hearing If you’ve survived school so far, you already have some sort of study routine for better or ...
especially inthe morning.AItincreases their happiness.BMoney doesn't make people happy.Happy people have one thing in common.D.You are on auto-pilot half the time.ENight owls tend to become morning people as they age.F.Morning people are like an early bird in the morning.G...
night owl 猫头鹰一般都在晚上活动,而且跟猫长的很像, 所以用“night owl”形容夜猫子更合适。 例句: I'm a morning person and she's a night owl. 我习惯早上工作,而我的老板却是个夜猫子。 night person 我们可以用“night ...
Morning Bird or Night Owl? 从学生时代起,就有这么两种流派存在: 一种人是每天早上坚持六点早起,洗漱、吃早饭、晨读,然后开始一天的工作,风吹雨打都改变不了他的作息。 这种人总是喜欢把一天中最有挑战性的工作安排在早上的黄金时间,相信“一天之计在于晨”。
Morning Person Or Night Owl? Sleep Type Predicts Batting Averages Of Baseball PlayersNews Staff
morning person 你觉得是什么意思?告诉大家,真的不是“早上的人”,但是它的意思有点相似,指的是“起得早的人”。 例句: Pikachu is a morning person. 皮卡丘喜欢早起。 当然,形容那些早起的人,还有别的表达方式。 1、early bird 它跟morning person意思类似,理解起来也是一样的道理。毕竟早起的鸟儿有虫吃!
I'm a morning person and she's a night owl. 我习惯早上工作,而我的老板却是个夜猫子。 night person 我们可以用“night person”来形容很晚睡觉的人, 也就是夜猫子,相反, morning person 就是早起的人。 例句: She is a night person, so it's quite normal for her to be sleepy in the morning...
Four Types of Chronotype If you don't quite fit in among the morning people or night owls, well, you might soon have your own, more relatable, sleep category.Now, researchers propose two more so-called chronotypes (时间类型): the "afternoon"person and the "napper". A chronotype is defin...