1Morning Habits of Happy PeopleAre you a morning person or a night owl? Morning people are generally happier than night owls. 1 Whichever one you are, it is fascinating to look at the morning habits of happy people because you can be inspired by them. You can also reject what does not ...
WEDNESDAY星期三题材社会生活体裁说明文词数245难度★★★建议用时7分钟Passage 2Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning people are generally happier than nightowls._ 1 Whichever one you are, it is fascinating to look at the morning habits of happy peoplebecause you can be inspired by ...
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning personNight owl What's your preferred mode of transportation? CarBicyclePublic transitWalking Do you enjoy cooking at home or dining out? Cooking at homeDining out Subscribe 1. Collarless Crepe Topper ...
Morning from A Year In Space Are you a morning person or an evening person? I've been a morning person since I had to get into the office at Goldman Sachs at 5:30 am in 1999. More than 24 years later, I'm still a morning person. One of the ways to make more money is to...
1on the effect of light on our sleep/wake cycle or “circadian rhythm”. It reveals that the amount and quality of light you are exposed to every day may be responsible for your Monday morning blues. Indeed, light ultimately dictates whether you are a morning person or a night owl....
Early birds, on the flip side, often excel in school and work and are generally happier, but you won't catch them at a midnight dance party. Interestingly, a person's tendency to be a night owl or an early bi...
Are you an early riser or a night owl? Researchers from Aachen University in Germany believe that about 10 percent of people can be classified as “morning people”, who feel more active and function best in the morning.Around 20 percent are night owls—people who naturally tend to stay up...
I don’t, and I’m really glad you don’t either. I would prefer to keep the apartmentsmoke-free. Mee too. I cannot stand the smell of smoke. Perfect. Next question: Are you a night owl(a person who prefers to be active at night) or an early bird(a person who gets up early)...
Are you a sunny-side-up morning person or a night owl? Each meal of the day has its own personality. Find out which meal your personality matches! Fun This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously :) ...
(1)细节理解题。根据上文Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active.However,the best time for exercise is different for each person(一天中的任何时候,你都可以承诺锻炼身体,这是变得活跃起来的好时机。然而,每个人锻