Definition of the Priesthood The priesthood is the power and authority of God. God created the heavens and the earth by His priesthood power. By this power the universe is kept in perfect order. Through this power He accomplishes His work and glory, which is “to bring to pass the immorta...
Parallelomania: What modern Mo-pologists (Mormon apologists) try to do---find "parallels" between ancient, obscure belief systems that match roughly to Mormon beliefs, and use that to claim that Moism is "true." Particles of Faith: The selective bits of doctrine believed by cafeteria Morm...
To help set the record straight about Mormon beliefs and practice, we spoke with Matthew Bowman, the chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University and the author of "The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith" in 2020. Here are six common myths about Mormonism. Contents ...
Mormon church officials stated they have "the right to select Scout leaders who adhere to moral and religious principles that are consistent with our doctrines and beliefs." Resolutions regarding Scouting leadership "must affirm that right," the Mormon officials said. Boy Scouts allow gay leaders Th...
Probably pushed on by political interests, the press has attacked the beliefs and practices of Mormonism from a new angel every month. Any misstep by a Mormon has provided fodder. Mormons have had to protest that they are Christians, especially upsetting, since active Mormons are striving so ...
This is basically what can be learned by reading these 41 verses by themselves. A little additional insider information that can help identify “the holy church of God,” according to peculiar Mormon Church beliefs are: The Mormon Church “officially” claims all churches, other than the Mormon...
respectful towards your religion and your beliefs, however, after reading this I feel that your religion is forcing thoughts and beliefs on its members. And to me that is very cult like. I think you stepped over the line by telling
“If we’re absolutely sure that our beliefs are right, and those of others are wrong; that we are motivated by good, and others by evil; (…) that it is wicked to challenge conventional doctrines or to ask searching questions; (…) – then the witch mania will recur in its infinite...
a different version of the Mormon missionaries knocking on your door and converting your daughters to the bizarre religion. While I think that Meyer’s Mormonism deeply affects her writing, as religious beliefs and other worldviews necessarily affect any writer, the more interesting Mormon doctrine ...
things are drastically different than before somehow, because President Hinckley has talked about education and making contributions to society. I do not believe things are so different, nor that these concepts are incompatible. I will try below to share some of my thoughts and beliefs in more ...