So we see that as of December 8, 2002 when we copied the above quotation from the Mormon (LDS) church's official web site that it clearly and unambiguously states that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The next logical step is to confirm that. But first, let's double-check an...
The importance of the priesthood is firmly demonstrated throughout the Book of Mormon. For Book of Mormon authors, this divine authority was necessary to preach the gospel, to organize and establish the Lord’s church, and to perform sacred priesthood or
Did Joseph Smith give women the priesthood? What is moksha in Jainism? What is the Druze religion? What is Kabbalah? What is a Biblical worldview? How many chapters are in the Book of Mormon? What is santhara in Jainism? What years did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon?
Everything about Mormon beliefs. At the core of a Mormon's beliefs is is faith in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and Joseph Smith's restoration of the gospel.
Everything about Mormon beliefs. At the core of a Mormon's beliefs is is faith in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and Joseph Smith's restoration of the gospel.
I am not as experienced withe fundamental extremes of non-Christian groups. In fundamental Christianity, though, I have noticed one of the most seemingly irrational (at least to me) things is the way in which fundamentalist Christians refuse to even discuss the beliefs of others, let alone list...
"This is where we live," Kyle adds with a halfhearted chuckle. They don't even feel comfortable holding hands in public—"unless it's Sunday, when most people who wouldn't like us are at Church," says Garett.On the drive home, they pass the local Mormon temple. "People tell us ...
The reason for the absence of Illuminati infiltration into the Mormon Temple, Luther's 'Church', or any other non-Catholic denomination is because those who have left the Catholic Church are already damned. There is absolutely no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, specifically because the...
“I still believe in gold plates,” he affirmed. “I don’t think Joseph Smith could have dictated the Book of Mormon text without inspiration. I think he was sincere in saying he saw God. The glimpse Joseph Smith gives us of divine interest in humankind is still a source of hope in...
2022-03-19 The Temple is Our Spiritual Foundation Some thoughts on President Nelson's recent talks on the importance of temple worship. 2022-02-23 Table-driven Tests in Clojure There's a macro for that... 2022-02-01 The Book of Mormon, chapter by chapter High-level concepts, goings-on...