mor·bid·i·ty rate the proportion of patients with a particular disease during a given year per given unit of population. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 morbidity rate Epidemiology The number of cases of a particular disease in a unit of population McGraw-Hill Concise Diction...
因此,在参考临床研究时,临床医生和科研人员应仔细阅读文献的方法和结果,更谨慎地辨别“Morbidity”一词的实际含义。 综上所述,建议根据“Morbidity”的词根“Morbid”翻译为“病态”,而“Morbidity rate”翻译为“病态率”,以准确描述该词在...
Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Full browser? ▲ Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Interview Demoralization Scale ...
Definition The incidence or prevalence of a disease in a population.Description Morbidity Rate. Morbidity typically refers to the presence of disease, so a morbidity rate provides a measure of the extent of that disease in the population. That rate can be expressed as a prevalence rate or an ...
Define morbidity statistics. morbidity statistics synonyms, morbidity statistics pronunciation, morbidity statistics translation, English dictionary definition of morbidity statistics. n. 1. The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpreta
The overall annual rate for OH-related hospitalizations in the United States was 36 per 100,000 adults, which increased exponentially with age (Shibao et al., 2007). In patients over the age of 75 years, the annual OH-related hospitalization rate Neurogenic OH, epidemiology Neurogenic OH (...
‘cure has value’ can be reduced by attending to just how close to a maximum value of 1.0 people with disability or chronic illness rate their quality of life. We can then adjust the claim of ‘equal value’ to ‘almost equal value,’ and the claim of ‘cure has value’ to ‘cure ...
University Hospital Felix Guyon, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, France (Samperiz, Ramful); Fédération des Réseaux de Santé en Périnatalité [FFRSP], Nantes, France (Branger); Inserm UMR1153, Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiology Team, Paris, France (Benhammou, Foix-L’Hélias, Marchand-Martin,...
Definition of the study group The analyses on medical records described in this publication were conducted with data or tools accessed through the NCATS N3C Data Enclave and supported by CD2H – The National Covid Cohort Collaborative12,13 IDeA CTR Collaboration...
These components were assessed by the expert panel using a 5-point Likert scale, following which a framework for an encompassing definition was constructed. Possible definitions were evaluated in rounds until a rate of agreement of more than 70% was reached. Expert commentaries were used in each ...