morbidity rateAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia. rate [rāt] the speed or frequency with which an event or circumstance occurs per unit of time, population, or other standard of comparison. adjusted rate a fictitious summary rate statistically adjusted to ...
Define morbidity. morbidity synonyms, morbidity pronunciation, morbidity translation, English dictionary definition of morbidity. n. pl. mor·bid·i·ties 1. The quality of being morbid; morbidness. 2. The rate of incidence of a disease. American Heritag
Learn what morbidity is and how the morbidity rate is calculated. Understand what morbidity vs mortality is and how morbidity is measured using...
Related to standardized morbidity rate: standardized death ratestan·dard·ize (stăn′dər-dīz′) tr.v. stan·dard·ized, stan·dard·iz·ing, stan·dard·iz·es 1. To cause to conform to a standard. 2. To evaluate by comparing with a standard. stan′dard·i·za′tion (-də...
The meaning of MORBIDITY is the quality or state of being morbid; especially : an attitude, quality, or state of mind marked by excessive gloom. How to use morbidity in a sentence.
Interest Rate The percentage of the value of abalanceordebtthat one pays or is paid each time period. For example, if one holds a bond with aface valueof $1,000 and a 3% interest rate payable each quarter, one receives $30 each quarter. The percentage of the interest rate remains cons...
Morbidity Vs. Mortality What’s the difference betweenmorbidityandmortality? In a medical context, the wordmorbidityrefers to the incidence or prevalence of a disease in a specific population or location (sometimes called themorbidity rate), while the wordmortalityrefers to relative frequency of deaths...
Related to Maternal mortality rate:Maternal Mortality Ratio Rate Value, measure, or degree; a charge, payment, or price determined through the application of a mathematical formula or based upon a scale or standard. For example, an interest rate is determined by the ratio between the principal ...
Measures of Life Expectancy & Mortality: Terms & Tools Morbidity | Definition, Rate & Calculation Mortality Rates Courses Health VCE Geography: Exam Prep & Study Guide View course Test Prep TECEP Marriage and the Family: Study Guide & Test Prep ...
Morbidity - explain Morbidity Morbidity The term 'Morbidity' as it applies to the area of hazardous materials can be defined as 'State of being ill or diseased. Morbidity is the occurrence of a disease or condition that alters health and quality of life'....